Friday, April 25, 2014

What really matters

I know this is going to be a bit controversial. But there's something that just bugs me to no end.


Not necessarily the kids.  But the parents.  I want you to know where I'm coming from.  We homeschooled our 2 oldest the whole time, and our youngest one most of the way.

Why do the parents who have taken their kids out of school, or never had them in there to begin with, want to do everything at home the exact way they do it at school?

Don't they realize the freedom there is in homeschooling?  We don't have to do anything like they do in the public school!  We can tailor everything to each individual.  If one of our kids excels at math then BOOM -- math of all kinds.  We don't have to stay in the box of 1st grade math, 9th grade math etc.  Let the child lead. If the kid doesn't like workbooks, then ditch 'em!  Find out what the child's learning style is and use that!  Do they learn by hearing, doing, writing, touching stuff? Use that!  My daughter walked circles around the table while we were doing math stuff...drove me crazy!  I asked her to sit down and she said "Mom, if I sit down, I can't think!"  Who knew?  So I let her walk around and get up and down all the time.  It helped her concentrate more.  My way of "doing school" was to do page 1, then page 2, then ...stand 3!  Her way of doing school was open the book and look through it and see what pages looked exciting and then do those!  What??  But to her it worked well.  It kept her interest.  And if I'd known more back then, I would ditch the books entirely! We'd use real life situations and go to the library and play games to learn stuff.

That brings me to the part that drives me crazy.

Most people do this when their kids are little because they enjoy playing and learning.  But when their homeschooled kids get to be in "high school"  they automatically shift to "do everything like the public school" mode.  High school credits, papers, graduation at 18 years old etc.   Why not continue the train of thought that the learning can be tailored to the individual?  Are they ready to be "done" when they are 15? Then be done! Just because I'm "done" with school doesn't mean I quit learning.  Do they really need to have credits? Do they really need to learn chemistry or calculus? depends on what they will be going into.

There is freedom, folks!  That's why we bring our kids home!  Don't worry about them keeping up with their "grade level" (what is that anyway--do all 30 year olds know the same information?)

Teach them to love learning!  Teach them to learn how to learn!  Teach them to be FREE!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Why do we move so much???

Since I've been married...coming up on 25 years now... we have moved a total of 13 times!  That's a lot of moving!  It's always been for different reasons.  Sometimes a job leads us here or there.  Sometimes we need a change of scenery.   Sometimes we need a bigger house.  This last time we were ready to downsize and move closer to Larry's work.

I grew up in 2 houses.  One house till I was 5, then we moved and I lived there till I got married when I was 18.  I didn't grow up moving around.  My husband grew up in the same house all is life.  Maybe that's why we move so much.  I really don't know.

Moving around a lot does have it's advantages.  We don't keep a lot of stuff.  We de-clutter quite frequently. I've learned not to grow too attached to my things.  It's just furniture.  It's just stuff.  

It's interesting to see my kids and how they are affected by all the moving.  Some are still nomads.  Traveling here and there.  On to the next adventure!  But I have one that wants to settle down and have roots.  He wants to buy land and stay there awhile.  I get that.  I admire that.  

I'm grateful for all the places we've lived.  We've had lots of great experiences in every state and house. We've gotten to see and experience the culture in many different places.  We've made life long friends all across America. One funny memory was when we were up in Pittsburgh and Larry was trying to order something through the McDonald's drive-thru.  He says in his thick Texas twang, "I'd like to buy some chicken mac bites."  (it's hard to describe how this sounds...just exaggerate all the "i's" to really long sounding "i's").  The girl in the drive thru says "What?"  He repeats again, even thicker and slower.  She says, "Um, sir,  I have no idea what you are talking about!"  Too funny!

I don't think I could live in one place too long (shhh...don't tell my nomadic husband!)  I look forward to the curves up in the road ahead.  Although I don't enjoy the actual physical part of boxing, moving, lifting, sorting... yuck.. I do enjoy new adventures.

What about you?  Have you moved alot?  Would you like to?

Friday, April 11, 2014

New Chapters

I went to the park for lunch today.  The only table that was in the sun was next to the playground.  I ate my lunch and sat there watching the mamas and daddies and all the little punkin' heads running around.  On the one hand, it seems like just a few moments ago that I was one of those mamas chasing around three little ones.  Pushing them on the swings, sliding down the slides with them, toting them around in the strollers.  On the other hand, it seems like ages and ages ago.

My youngest will turn 18 in a few months!  I have 3 young adults now.  My oldest is married!  What?  Time sure does fly when you're having fun.   I'm actually loving this stage right now.  I know it's only a few moments till grand kids come along (I can't wait!)  But for now, I'm really diggin' this time of life.

Stuff I love about having older kids:

  • They can take care of themselves (physically, sometimes they still need me emotionally)
  • They can have great conversations!  Sometimes they hold me to the fire!
  • I love to see them growing in their relationship to God and in their relationships to others.
  • They are a lot of fun!  They go camping, hiking, bike riding with us and it's tough to keep up with them! Plus, they put up the tents etc! Bonus!
  • My honey and I have lots of "date" times together now.
  • I love to see their lives spread out before them and choices they make and the paths they choose.
Probably the biggest regret I've had is that we didn't have more kids.  But I am thankful for what the Lord has blessed us with.  I'm thankful for the person that they've made me.  I'm glad for the lessons they've taught me.  I am super blessed to have an amazing family!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Hoop Love

So I discovered hula hooping about 8 months ago.  I've since fallen in love with it.  Who knew there were so many things you could do with a hula hoop!  I've been going to class now fairly regularly.  I love going there. There are so many people there of all ages and stages.  Some youngsters.  Some oldersters.  Men and Women!  I've learned hooping can be an incredible workout!  It can work your arms, legs, core...everything! I can work up a pretty good sweat hooping for an hour!  I've learned that you CAN teach an old dog new tricks!  I didn't think I could learn new things but, it turns out,  I can!  I've learned to embrace the dancing that comes with the hoop.  I love that!  

 I take my hoop everywhere.  Going to the park?  Get the hoop! Going shopping?    
Get the hoop!  Going camping?  Get the hoop!  Going on a cruise?  Don't forget the hoop!  

It's slowly becoming my security blanket.  

I can't wait to see what the next year brings in my hooping.

Meeting new friends.  Going new places.  Learning new stuff.  Getting more active.

Come join me and learn to love the hoop!

Here's where I  take my classes if you are in the DFW area.