Thursday, August 16, 2018


This is me.  After the most excruciating pain of my life.  I've birthed 3 little humans and that was nothing compared to what I experienced yesterday.  If you haven't experienced it you might not get it and you might think I'm being a tad dramatic.  But seriously.  Worst. Pain. Ever.

Kidney stone.

Yep, a teeny tiny little thing can be the cause of enormous pain.

I was sitting at work feeling fine when all of a sudden my stomach started getting upset and then wham.  Felt like a ton of bricks just slammed into my back.  It was radiating to the front within an hour.  I booked on out of work and barely drove to my chiropractor.  I really don't know how I made the 30 minute drive.  I could hardly shift  because my leg was on the side of the stone! Somehow I made it there without passing out.  Larry met me there and she said get to the emergency room!  So we headed out immediately.

I could not get comfortable at all in the car.  I ended up in the fetal position just praying we would get there soon.

Thankfully, they got me back into a room and into a cat scan pretty quickly.  Sure enough I had a kidney stone.  It was about to enter my bladder so they said no surgery, just wait for it to pass. 

I had initially declined any medication.  I never take any meds.  Not even a tylenol.  Ever.  I'm a hippy-dippy, diy, essential oils can cure anything kind of girl.

But after about an hour in the hospital, I said- Give me the drugs!

Immediately, ahhhhhh sweet relief!

Rest of the day I was laid up on the couch, feeling like I'd been beat up in a street fight.

I wouldn't wish one of these on anyone!  I pray I never experience it again!

How about yall?  Anyone experience this kind of agony before??

1 comment:

llouisemil said...

Yikes! I'm glad you decided to take the medicine. Being "super woman" is sometimes overrated.