Wednesday, April 27, 2016

45 things you might not know about me

So my birthday is coming up!!! AGHHH!!!  I will be 45 years old!  I'm not sure how this happened..but here I am.  

So in celebration of this new year!  Here's 45 things you might not know about me!

1. I'm an introvert.
2. I love love love to travel!
3. I don't mind doing things by myself, in fact I rather enjoy it.
4. I'm working on memorizing Philippians.  I've got the first 2 chapters down!
5. I've never had an issue with weight until the last 5 years or so, but I'm working on losing it now!
6. I have opinions about stuff and it comes across sometimes as bossy, stubborn, mean.  I don't intend to be those things though.
7.  I love trivia and love to learn new things.
8.  I don't know much about pop culture though.
9. I love to listen to Christian music, hymns and new stuff, but I also like classical and 40s.
10.  I would love for 40s fashion to come back!  Hats! and Men in hats!
11. I only just recently started in the work force. (about the last 5 years) I was a stay at home mom for years and years (which I loved).
12.  Our biggest regret was not having more kids.
13. I've only worn skirts now for about 10 years.
14. I've been to a lot of places in Europe and would love to live there someday!
15. My favorite flower is the daisy.
16. My favorite day: sitting on the porch, watching a thunderstorm, reading a book and drinking coffee.
17. Or tea! I have a HUGE collection of tea!
18. I really hate wearing my heart on my sleeve.
19.  I can tend to be an Eeyore.
20. We've moved about 14 times in our 27 years of marriage and lived in 4 states!
21. I love to read!  and when I'm in the reading mood -read about a book a week.
22. Have been doing a High Fat/Low Carb diet for about 8 months now and I love it! No going back!
23.  We've been taking a cruise every year with a group of friends of ours going on about 3 years now!
24. It's hard for me to apologize because I think I'm usually right.  Working on that.
25. I'm married to my best friend and when he's gone I'm lonely.
26. I love our electric bicycles that we got!
27. Am so excited that we've downsized so much!  living in a 750 square foot apartment is one of the best things we've done.
28. I haven't been to the dentist or doctor in I can't remember how long ago.
29. I prefer to always wear flats..but occasionally I'll wear a wedge.
30. I absolutely love my relationship with my grown kids!  They are a joy!
31. I've worn glasses since I was about 18. I recently bought contacts but haven't worn them much because my glasses are my security blanket and I feel naked without them!
32. Never thought I'd switch to an e-reader for books but now it's all I read.
33. My medicine cabinet at home is mostly essential oils.
34. I've never been to Las Vegas.
35. If there's a tree that looks good to climb -you'll probably see me up in it!
36. I've read through the Bible every year for so many years now I can't remember how many!
37. Favorite color-pink! (It was my wedding color!)
38. Can read music and used to play the violin and can play some piano.
39. Clean everything in sight when I'm angry or upset.
40. Love to have the blinds closed and lights down low at home.
41. Hate cooking and grocery shopping.
42. Back before the internet, I used to cut articles out of magazines and I had a whole file cabinet with different files for different topics.
43. Never thought I'd homeschool, but ended up homeschooling for 15 years!
44. Have a hard time making friends.
45. Put my trust in the Lord Jesus Christ when I was 13 years old at my grandma's church during a revival.

Well, there you have it!  Just a few things about me! :)

Friday, April 22, 2016

What's Love got to do with it?

There's a secret to marriage.

It's something we figured out in that first really messy year.

It's what Love truly is.

That first year we were married was tough.  I was only 18 and really didn't know anything about anything.  Larry was 25 and he had certain ways he thought marriage would be like.  We had a hard time meshing our lives together at first.

Until we had a conversation about what Love is.

Larry, in his typical analytical fashion, wrote out a definition for Love and it's helped us out in so many ways.

Here it is:  There's 3 kinds of "Love".

First, is the "Commitment Love".  This is the foundation of the marriage.  It's the -I will never leave you or forsake you -you are stuck with me till I die--kind of love.  Even when everything else is just the worst-- the commitment love remains.  It's what keeps us working on the marriage.  It's what keeps us reading books, going to retreats, learning from others, going to counseling.  If you don't have a commitment then the rest just crumbles.

Second is the "Friendship Love".  This is the fun part of marriage! This is the --You're my best friend kind of love!  This is the part of marriage that is going on walks, geocaching, watching the rain together, reading books together, playing games together.  We enjoy each other's company!  We love to spend time with each other.  This is the majority of the marriage.  It's the time we spend together and the friendship that grows out of that. It's the taking care of each other when we are sick, when we need gas in our cars, when we just need a shoulder to cry on.

Lastly, is the -what we like to call- the "Woozy Woozy Love".  This is the love that everyone thinks about when they are getting married. This is the love that always portrayed in the movies.  It's the butterflies in the stomach, starry eyes, fireworks and butterflies love.  Yes, this is a part of marriage but it's not something we build our foundation on.  These feelings come and go.  They are wonderful and I love that "woozy woozy" feeling!  But as our marriage grows, these feelings grow so much deeper.  It's so much more now than just a feeling.

If you are always staying in the "Woozy Woozy" Love, then when that feeling isn't there you might feel like your marriage isn't there anymore.  That's where the "Commitment Love" comes in.  That will always be there.  No matter if either of the other two kinds of love are there or not--the commitment is always there.

This is what we learned in the first year of our marriage.  We are working on year 27 now!

So thankful for you Larry.

1 Corinthians 13: 4-7 "Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things."

Friday, April 15, 2016



We all have stuff.

We all need stuff.

We go to the stuff store and buy stuff.  We bring our stuff home and rearrange our other stuff to make room for our new stuff.  We decide to give some stuff to someone else.  We spend time cleaning and playing with our stuff.

Then we go to work to make more money to get more stuff.

Stuff takes over our lives!

I once heard a saying:  The more you have, the more you have to have to take care of the things you have.

True or true?

I'm so happy we downsized.  We've lived in all sizes of houses.  The biggest was 5 bedrooms-3 bathrooms-3500 square feet!  Now, thankfully, we are back down into a 1 bedroom 750 sq ft apartment.

Back when we had a big house, we really used it.  We had 3 kids at home, homeschooled, and had lots of people over all the time.

Now, with our little nest being empty, we don't need near as much room or stuff.

Downsizing is something everyone should do sometime or another.

Look through some of your closets/drawers/cabinets.  Do you really need 10 pots and pans?  Do you really need a whole garage full of tools?  Clothes or shoes?  What do you really wear?

These are the questions I ask myself as we are downsizing.  What do I really use?  And how many at a time can I really use?  Would one or two work just as fine?

Don't be afraid to get rid of some things (or a lot of things).  Downsizing is good.

It is, after all, just stuff.

Good video about being content.

Things to get rid of!

Friday, April 8, 2016

Take a Look, it's in a book!

I absolutely love to read.

When I'm in the reading groove, I can read about a book a week.  I love how reading transports you to new places.  I love getting all wrapped up in a story.  I love cuddling up under the covers and losing myself in a good book.

I have always wanted to share my love of reading with my kids.  When they were little, I would read to them all the time.  We would listen to audio books and audio stories together.  We went to the library once a week and came home with stacks and stacks of books.  I made sure my kids always saw me reading too.  My love for reading is something I really wanted to pass on to my kids.

For a while, it didn't seem like they valued reading as much as I did.  Technology, computers, and Xbox all vied for their attention.  And as they grew, books got pushed to the side.

Well, the other day, my grown son came over and we were having a conversation.  He was telling me about this new book he was reading!  He was all excited about it! He got me wanting to read it too!  He was telling me how hard it was at first for him to get into reading.  So he started listening to audio books.  The more he listened to the easier it was for him to pick up a book to read.  My heart soared!  He's caught it!  The reading bug!

My daughter also reads.  She's a researcher.  She is a sponge for information and I love it!

Now my grown kids are growing and sharing the info they've read with me!

Now my hubby is not a reader.  So to remedy that situation - I've always read books to him!  One of our favorite things is to go to the park, pull out the sleeping bags, pick a quiet corner and read. It's a great bonding time.  And he also gets to experience the power of a book.

Books can be powerful. Reading transforms us, stretches us, makes us think, enlarges our vocabulary,

Reading does that.  It is a door to other places, other times,  other worlds.

If you're not a reader, I highly encourage you to try.  Start with audio books!  If your kids are young, try Adventures in Odyssey!  Focus on the Family radio theatre is also wonderful for the classics!

So, have fun reading to your kids!  and pick up a book yourself!  Summer time's a great time to start!