Tuesday, November 22, 2016

27 Years!!

It's our 27 year anniversary on Friday!  Here's a little tribute to being married to this guy!

27 things I love about being married to Larry:

  1. My life is a constant adventure.
  2. I have grown out of my comfortable box in many ways.
  3. I get to laugh and laugh and laugh.
  4. He gets my puns.
  5. He melts when I put on perfume.
  6. He cooks me the most amazing gourmet meals from leftovers.
  7. I've learned what really matters.
  8. He tempers my temper.
  9. I've learned about the stars and the moon rise/set.
  10. I get to really know the words to those Journey songs.
  11. He plays Word feud with me.
  12. He can usually cheer me up from a bad mood.
  13. He will take on my hobbies as his and enjoy them! Hooping!
  14. He loves to go with me geocaching in cemeteries.
  15. I never need to worry what I'm going to do on the weekends.
  16. He's taught me to march to the beat of a different drum.
  17. He shows me the importance of evangelism.
  18. He's my biggest cheerleader.
  19. He fully trusts me.
  20. I know what 100% commitment is like.
  21. He gets on board with my crazy ideas when I get them!
  22. He doesn't mind me shopping on Amazon every day 😊
  23. He's my fun multiplier.
  24. I get a best friend.
  25. He rounds out my rough edges.
  26. He's the Tigger to my Eeyore-ness.
  27. He challenges me to grow closer to the Lord.
Thank you for the last 27 years Larry!  It's been great (and sometimes not!) but that is life! I pray we have many more to come! Love ya! πŸ’—πŸ’—

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