Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Year in review 2015

So another year has come and gone.  Time just keeps speeding up faster and faster as I get older.  I'm not sure how that works but so it does.

A few highlights from the year in no particular order.

Trips galore this past year!

Larry and I went to Phoenix, Pittsburgh, Colorado, San Diego, several trips to Austin & a cruise to the Western Caribbean!  Larry went to Virginia with one son  and and Zion National Park with the other son!

We moved apartments (again!)  Downsized a bit more but got a larger living room--became true empty nesters!

Youngest son joined the Marines!

I've been working on memorizing the book of Phillipians.  I'm midway through chapter 2 now.

We got electric bicycles that are so much fun! Larry also got a new (to us) truck! Finally!

Lots of 
book reading 
game playing
hula hooping 
bike riding
domino playing
Bible memorizing
Enjoying our grown kids

Life is good.  It's been a good year for us and we thank the Lord for all His many blessings.  

Praying you all have a wonderful 2016!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Give Thanks

Thanksgiving comes every year and every year people are posting 30 days of Thankfulness.  It's good to reflect on thankfullness this time of year. It's just  too easy to slip into a rut and forget to be truly thankful.

I'm not talking about a thankfulness of "I'm glad I'm not like that poor soul over there." or a thankfulness like "I'm glad for these material possessions that most people in the world don't have." but a true attitude of gratitude.

Psalm 100:4 says "Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, And into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name."

Philippians 1:3 " I thank my God upon every remembrance of you."

Colossians 3:15 "And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful."

Ephesians 5: 19-21 "speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another in the fear of God."

All these verses speak of being thankful.  I see no mention of stuff.  Just a heart that is thankful. They all have to do with our relationships to people and our relationship with the Lord.

God put us here on the earth with people - annoying as they can be sometimes.  But we are to speak to and encourage one another.  Be thankful for each other.

God warns us what ungratefulness can do to us.

 Romans 1:20-21 "For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse,  because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened.

This verse is speaking to the one who doesn't believe in God--they not only did not glorify Him but they weren't thankful -- and their hearts were darkened.

This Thanksgiving and this season...focus on Giving Thanks!  For He has given us so much for which to be thankful!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Moving our kids toward being an Adult!

There seems to be an epidemic going on in America today.  Maybe worldwide.  I've seen it time and time again.

Parents not encouraging their kids to grow up.
Parents today are coddling their kids more and more and for longer periods of time.  They aren't expecting anything out of them.  They let them freeload for far too long.
How is this doing a dis-service to our kids?

Well, they won't learn life lessons for one thing.

Teen:  mom I need a ride to so-and-so's house
Parent:  well, I'd love to help you but I've got plans tonight.

So how will poor teenager make it to their friend's house with out the help of the mommy or daddy?

Well, here's an idea... He/she can figure it out!

There's multiple options available to get there if they wanted to, but by the parents taking the responsibility to come up with the plan and implement it-then the kids lose out on a valuable skill!

But how will the poor baby get to work without my help...  well, not my problem!

Kids nowadays need to learn to solve these problems on their own.  Yes, I will help you sometimes, but the kids shouldn't  be entitled to my help just because they live at my house!

In parenting, the goal is to raise kids that are INDEPENDENT!  How are they learning that independence if I'm solving all their problems, washing all their clothes, buying all their food, paying all their bills, cleaning up all their messes??

What kind of lessons am I teaching them by coddling them so much?

Well, I'm teaching them that I don't trust them to make any decisions.

I'm teaching them I don't love them enough to give them room to grow.

I'm teaching them that my role will always be the parent and never change to a peer-to-peer relationship.

But if I  don't make all the decisions for them they will make mistakes!

Yes they will!  And that's where grace in parenting comes in.  We don't hold mistakes over our kid's heads.  We encourage, love, guide and direct them with a loving parenting heart.

Let's help our boys become men and our girls become women who can be responsible human beings!

It starts early on.  From the moment they are born there is a constant letting go.  Please don't stunt your kids' natural growth by keeping them "babies" too long.  Let them do their own laundry, go buy the groceries, help around the house, get where they need to go with money they've earned their selves!

You will be happier and they will be too!

Thursday, October 22, 2015


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In life there are seasons.  Just as the leaves change and the weather changes, life also ebbs and flows. I remember the days of little munchkins..biting, fighting, constant maintenance.  I thought those days would never end.  It was completely exhausting and somedays I didn't know how I survived!

Those days have passed now.  I'm in a new season.  It's quieter now.  Things are much slower.  I only do the laundry and the dishes about once a week.

But there's perks too.  Last night, my grown son came home and took me to dinner and a movie.  He's the perfect gentleman.  He opened the door for me and delighted me with his conversation.  It was a wonderful evening.

I would never have pictured these days back then.  But they are wonderful!  I'm really enjoying my grown up kids.

Hang in there, moms and dads.  Soon the blistering heat of summer will be over and the coolness of fall will begin.  It happens so quickly too.

Friday, September 25, 2015


Rant time...

Kids now a days are being tested on every level.  Are they smart enough for preschool?  Have they sat up at 4 months?  Do they read at grade level?  Have they completed AB & C by the time they are 3 years old?

Oh they haven't??  Well, then I'm sorry but your child has failed.  And in return you, the parent, are deemed a failure too.

When did it get this way??  Why so much pressure on our kids to be this or that?  Why do all 4 year olds have to fit in exactly the same box?

Well--let me tell you--the one thing I learned through homeschooling my kids for 15 years is that




Mommas know their kids.  We are around them so much more than anyone else.  The persons or institution administering the "test"  only sees them for a few minutes.  How can they define a person by just those few minutes?

Why do all 5 year olds need to read at a certain level?  Do all 40 year olds read at the same level?

Kids will excel in some areas and not be that great in other areas.  Aren't we all like that?  Don't we all have our strengths and weaknesses?  Can't we ALL grow in different areas?

Please, parents,  I caution you against measuring yourself and your kids against all these parameters that SOMEONE HAS JUST MADE UP!  Who decided what a 6 year old should be reading like?  Who made up all these "standards"?

We know our kids!  Let's not compare and pressure.  Let's be good mommas and daddies.  Let's love our kids regardless of how well they can jump through someone else's hoops.  Let's love our kids for the joys that they are!  Let's love our kids for who God has made them to be!  

Be encouraged!!  You are doing a great job parents!!  You're kids are doing good too!  

--rant over.......for now.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Summer Goings On

So summer is over..fall is just around the corner, which is hard to believe since it's in the 90s still!

So what have we done all summer? Here's some of what we've be up to .. in no particular order....

Took a weekend vacation to Phoenix on a whim!  So much fun with my hubby!

Went to Denver and Pittsburgh (on 2 separate trips)  to see some life long friends.

Larry got to take some one on one time with each son.  One in Utah, exploring Zion National Park and the surrounding lands of amazingness!  And the other in Virginia, where he got to spend a weekend with our son who took some leave time off base!

On the not-so-fun-note but extremely-interesting note, I got to serve on a jury for a week.  Very interesting how our justice system works.  I'm not saying I agree, but very interesting.  Learned alot about the world that I really didn't care to know.  Maybe another blog post later...

Larry and I got electric bikes that we are loving (when it's not too hot outside!)

I'm getting back to eating a high fat, low carb diet and working really hard on meeting my step goal each day! Losing weight and getting back in shape!

Finished memorized Philippians 1.  Working on Chapter 2. It's quite the brain building feat..but it's good not only for mind but for my soul.

Larry and I are enjoying our little empty nest and our new and growing relationship with our grown kids.

We got to take a wonderful trip to San Diego to attend our son's graduation from Marine Bootcamp!  So happy for him!

We are about to take a cruise out of Puerto Rico!  So excited to spend time with friends and enjoy some relaxation in the sun!

I guess you can say it's like this:  traveling, enjoying, visiting,  memorizing, cruising, growing, walking, graduating, loving!

Friday, June 26, 2015

Living a Surreal life

Definition---Surreal:  Having the disorienting quality of a dream; unreal; fantastic

My youngest son turned 19 today.  Nineteen!!  My YOUNGEST!  How this is possible I'll never know.  Surreal is a great definition to describe it. In some ways it seems like just yesterday I was chasing them all around, picking up all their messes, changing endless amounts of diapers; but in other ways those days seem so long ago I can barely remember it!

Someone once described the baby stage as the "Longest days, and the shortest years".

That about covers it.

I'm super excited about the paths my kids are choosing.  It seems like they are right on target.  They are in the fields for which they are made.

Larry and I are thoroughly enjoying our little empty nest.  It's really quiet at times.  But we are getting to know each other again.  Learning to enjoy the quiet.  The grand kids stage will be coming soon enough and I look forward to that.

While I may be further ahead on the parenting journey than some, and way behind of others, I would love to share my ups and downs with whomever would like to hear.

If you need encouragement for THOSE days, I can help.  If you need a ear to hear and just let off steam, I can do that.  If you need some advice for some problem that you are facing, I can do my best.

That's what we are supposed to do.  Sharpen each other.  Keep each other accountable.  Spur each other on to love and good deeds.

I know I need it... ALOT.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

um...Hello? now what?!

Kids now a days!  (And by kids I mean anyone under 30)  They've lost a few basic manners somehow along the way, or were never taught them.

So here's a few basic manners to teach your young 'uns.  Please!  Before the art of basic human interaction is lost forever!

  1. Look me in the eyes.  Yes, I know your phone just buzzed and there's some major crisis out a facebook notification.  But please--just look me directly in the eyes when you are speaking to me.
  2. When introducing someone to me, please give me their name!  "This is my girlfriend"...where do I go with that..."Hello, girlfriend!".... Proper manners.. Say the person's name you are introducing them to and say the person's name you are introducing.  Example:  Hello, Valerie, I'd like you to meet my girlfriend, Denise.
  3. After being properly introduced, try to at least pretend to be interested in this person.  Although genuine concern is greatly appreciated.  Example:  Hello, Valerie!  It's so good to meet you!  My boyfriend has told me lots about you!  It's very good to meet you!
  4. Try to find something to talk about.  It's polite to stay a few minutes (seconds) and at least get to know something about them.  Example:  Valerie- I hear you are from Arlington,  have you ever been to Six Flags?  I've always wanted to go!  Note: This does involve knowing some things about the world in general.
  5. Please put away your phone while people are around.  Try to interact with the people around you.  
  6. Ask questions about the other person.  Example:  What do you like to do for fun?  Do you play board games?  Where did you vacation last?  Showing interest in others is not only polite but you may get to know something about them!
This is just the very basic when meeting a person for the first time.  I've noticed more and more people now a days just don't understand how to interact with other people!  If there's not a Like button or a comment button on them they aren't sure what to do!

People are interesting!  People are fun!  Let's get back to real time interaction and not just screen time.  Anyone else experienced this madness??

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

For Better or Worse

The traditional American Wedding Vows:

"I, ___, take thee, ___, to be my wedded husband/wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith [or] pledge myself to you."

Seems simple enough.

But I don't think most people have a clue what they are committing to or the depth of these vows.

If there was anyway to make these vows "real life" to people at the could we put it into words?

" have and to hold from this day forward" -- Oh this sounds nice, the having and the holding...  but just wait....

"for better, for worse"  -- The "better" we love!  Yeah!  Gimme some more of those days where we eat ice cream, bike to the park together, watch a thunderstorm, snuggle up by a fire and enjoy the night.  The "worse". Yuck.  How worse?  What about when family members and friends push you aside? Or your kids are out of control? What about when every moment of the day is filled with unimaginable emotional pain from kids, or others, or each other, or life in general?

"for richer, for poorer"  --  Richer sounds good.  Poorer, not so much.  How poor?  What will we lose?  What will we suffer?

"in sickness and in health"  --Well, the other day my hubby was holding me up in the bathtub has I was losing my lunch at both ends.  TMI - I know.  But these are the days no one wants to talk about or think about enduring.  What about those moments of extreme sickness, cancer, Alzheimer's?  What about morning sickness?  What about when the kids are all throwing up on you?  It's disgusting, I know, but this stuff actually happens.  

"to love and to cherish" -- Ah, well this sounds nice anyway.  Cue the singing birds.  Oh wait,  my hubby's not very loveable at the moment..what?  still cherish?  You mean I'M not very lovable at the moment?  Oh dear, more work to do.

"till death do us part" --  Oh, sure. I can do that.  Wait, till death!  Isn't that a long time away??  I got married when I was 18!  If you mean DEATH..then it may be 60 or 70 years!  With the SAME person!  

So here's my proposed new wedding vows:
I will be committed to you till the day I day.  Forsaking all others, I will be only yours.  I promise to be there when it's fun and not so fun.  I will be by your side when we are happy and not so happy.  I will be your cheerer, encourager, helper, and more.  When you are sick and helpless, I will help you. When the bank account is running on empty, I will help to save and scrimp and eat beans and rice. When the kids are yelling and my head is about to burst, I will still be here.  I may not always be the happy, calm person that I need to be but with your help and the help of Jesus, I will strive to be that person.  Putting God at the center of our marriage is my top priority.  Without Him, we can not do this journey.  

I love you bunches, Larry. 

Friday, April 24, 2015

Memories of Road Trips

When I was growing up, things were a lot different.  We didn't have smart phones, or even dumb phones that could leave our house!  There wasn't any Netflix or movies on demand. If we wanted to watch TV we had to watch what was on at the time.  (No DVRs --can you imagine!)

We had to do things differently.

Now, I'm not bashing technology.  I actually love social media, and the world of knowledge at my fingertips!  But back when I was growing up, and even while my kids were little, we had to come up with creative ways to entertain ourselves!

One of the great memories I have from the days of old were the car games.  The games we played in the backseat to entertain ourselves on long trips.  We used to sing all kinds of songs.  Not pop songs. But the good ol' folk songs.  My dad knew all the words to every verse and a lot of them have stuck with me.

There was also count the cows and horses.  That got old after a while because if we drove the same route we knew where the cemeteries were.  And of course if you were winning at the game (counting as many cows and horses as you could on your side of the car) as soon as you passed a graveyard you had to start all over again.

Slug bug was never my favorite either.  Not a fan of getting punched.

As I grew up, and when we were young marrieds, we took many long road trips together.  A great game Larry and I made up was the backward word game.  One person would say a word backward and the other person would have to guess what they were saying!  It's tougher than you think!  Try ssarg!

When the kids were little we would play lots of games in the car, I Spy, Bingo, A-Z game and many more.  There was always lots of singing and laughter too.

Since summer is just around the bend, maybe it's time to put away the ipads, ipods, i-distractions and get back to some good ol' fashioned family time.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Spring has Sprung!

Just when the winter is about to crawl under my skin and get really annoying..there's a glimmer of spring!  The next season is just around the corner!

I can feel it in the air and see it in the trees!
The pear trees are blooming!
The flowers are starting to sprout!
The birds are chirping!
I love spring time.
It's a time of renewal and refreshing.

There's so many changes going on right now.  Spring feels like it's opening the door to a new chapter in my life.  I love the seasons changing! It gets my creative juices flowing!

One of the things I used to love doing with the kids was writing poems.  One of my favorite memories of homeschooling was when it was a beautiful day outside and we all packed up a picnic lunch and went to the park.  We flew kites and wrote haikus.  Haikus are so fun to write! If you don't know anything about them check them out !  Maybe you will be inspired to write a few poems too!

Here's a few I've written this morning:

The sun is awake
Coming up into the sky
Staying up later

Birds singing today
Up in the trees so pretty
I just saw a butterfly!

Flowers colorful
Trees blooming making me sneeze
Spring is happening!

Winter goes to sleep
Closing its eyes grudgingly
Back under the Earth

It's time for hooping
Once again barefoot with friends
It's my circle time!

So as we pack away the winter coats and scarves and enjoy the sunshine once again, be inspired to be creative and learn something new!  Do something adventurous!  Enjoy Life!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Best tips for Moving

So we are moving again,  but this time just a mile away.  I think these moves are the hardest.  It's just a mile but you still have to pack everything and transport everything.

The easiest moves to me are the long distance across the country moves.  If it doesn't fit in the truck then it doesn't go.  Boom, easy.

Over these last 25 years we have moved 15 times.  I know it's a lot.  See why here.

So, needless to say,  I basically have moving down to a science now.

Here's my process and my best tips:

1.  Go to and put in your change of address request there.  You can fill in the day you want your mail to start forwarding.  They will forward your mail for a year.  When you are at your new place any mail that has been forwarded will have a yellow forwarding label on it,  use that as your guide to call and update those businesses.

2.  Next, I take everything off the walls.  De-personalizing your space makes it not feel like your home any more and motivates you to start packing.

3.  Make "zones" in your house, whether it be a hallway or a part of a living room, designate parts of your house for --items to give away and then boxes that are going and have been packed.

4.  Start with one room or closet.  Declutter- put aside in one of your zones all the things you don't want to take or move.  Then pack it in boxes.  Smaller boxes are better because they don't become as heavy.  When packing breakables,  use towels, washcloths, sheets, blankets, --all these things you will be packing might as well use them for packing material!  Then tape up and label the box!  Label which room it should go in at the NEW place.  No need to label all the items in the box--that just gets too tedious and you will be unpacking it soon anyway (hopefully!)

5.  Set aside items you will need to live with for the next [however] many weeks until the move.  Set aside toiletries, clothes, toys for kids (just a few), and a very few kitchen items. Even though we hardly ever use paper goods in the kitchen, now is the time to use them before, during and shortly after the move.

6. Set aside a box for important stuff you don't want to lose.  All the paperwork, laptops, etc that you need accessible keep that stuff separated.  That can go in the car on moving day.

7.  When packing the kitchen,  buy a huge batch of paper towels.  Paper towels make great--and cheap--packing material.

8.  On moving day, keep all the closet doors and kitchen cabinets open.  That way you won't keep opening them to see if you've gotten everything.

9.  Keep cleaning supplies set aside for moving day as well.  You'll want to clean everything up after everything's been packed up.

10.  Take this time to purge, re-organize, and clean out.  Don't pack anything you don't want to unpack at the new place.  If it's time to have a big garage sale, or take things to the thrift store, do it now!

11.  Tape all screws to the bottom anything you take apart.  Use a baggie and put all pieces inside for anything that comes apart and needs to get put back together. This will save you so much time at the new place hunting for the parts that go to those things!

12.  Get twice as many boxes as you think you will need.  There's always a lot of little things that need to be packed last minute.

Hope these few tips help if you are planning on moving anytime soon!  Give yourself time to pack! It takes longer than you think!

If you have any tips, please comment below!  Would love to hear how you all do your moving!

Friday, January 30, 2015


We memorize a lot of lyrics, movie quotes, phone numbers etc.   But have you ever memorized the one eternal thing?  The one thing that will never fade away?  The one thing that can transform you from the inside out?

I'm talking about memorizing Scripture.

It's great to have some verses under your belt.

But have you ever memorized Chapters of the Bible?  or even a whole book of the Bible?

I've done a chapter before and it was amazing.  Now, I've started on a journey to memorize a Book.

Just 4 little chapters...


At first, it's really difficult.  But just moving your mind to do something new is extremely beneficial. Not only physically but more importantly spiritually.

It takes time and discipline but believe it or not it can be done!

I've been inspired by Susan Heck who wrote this book.  I've also been inspired by this ministry.  They list some great reasons to memorize long passages.

There are a great many apps and websites designed to help with big chunks of Scripture memory.  I'm using Scripture Typer.  Also Remember Me app is a great help.

These are great tips too!

If anyone is interested in memorizing along with me comment below!  I'd love to have some help and encouragement along the way!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

15 Things to Do in 2015

I'm not one to make New Year's Resolutions.  I like to grow and expand my horizons as the Lord leads and directs me.  Sometimes it's January 1 but sometimes it's later in the year.  But I am a goal setter and accomplisher.  I like to check boxes and get things done.  So I won't consider these "resolutions" per se,  but a resolve to continue to grow and become the woman God wants me to be.

So here's my list of 15 things I would like to do in 2015:

1.  Continue to Read God's Word daily.  I started this habit years ago and it has changed me from the inside out.  Continually devouring the Words God has given us is eternally fulfilling and continues to help me in all situations.  If you haven't read completely through the Word of God I highly encourage you to do so this year!  There are numerous Bible plans available online. Don't get bogged down in the fact that you skipped a day or feel like you need to catch up.  Just pick up the next day and move forward.  Feed your soul!  It's so important!

2. Write/Call/Email/Text.  When someone comes to mind, I will try to do something to let them know I am thinking and praying for them.  Just a short sentence or word would be something. In this day and age,  it's easy to stay in contact with people.

3.  Be proactive with my exercise.  I need to be  intentionally deciding to walk or exercise or hoop or zumba or whatever.  Even while I'm doing something mundane like watching tv, I can get my hoop out, or walk in place.  I'm trying to get 8000 steps a day.  Hopefully, I can up that to 9000 sometime this year. :)

4.  Take every thought captive.  My brain gets the better of me sometime.  I'm an internal thinker/processor.  I internalize everything instead of talking out loud.  I need to take those thoughts captive for Christ.  I can quickly get into a downward spiral if I'm not careful.  With careful consideration and thought I need to take those negative thoughts and turn them over to the Lord.

5.  Eat foods that will benefit my health.  I've changed quite a lot on this one.  Larry says I used to go to the store to buy boxes, but I've come a long way now.  I usually shop on the outside perimeter of the grocery store.  I read the labels, check the ingredients.  That doesn't mean that I won't occasionally eat some junk food.  Everything in moderation.

6.  Memorize Scripture.  A few years back I memorized Romans 12.  I'd like to revisit this one and also add a few other chapters to my memory banks.  It's not only good for the soul, but great to stretch this old brain!  If you haven't memorized Scripture lately, try it!  You may be surprised just what you can remember!  Anyone want to do this with me??

7.  Try not to immediately be negative.  I've always joked that I'm Eeyore and Larry is Tigger.  I don't know why but I usually go to the negative.  Larry's shown me that even the yuckiest circumstances can have a silver lining.  I will try to see the glass more half full.

8.  Continue to grow in my relationship with my adult kids.  It's a whole different world now that my kids are grown.  I am learning to navigate this crazy world of adult children.  I want to continue to have a great relationship with them and their spouses/girlfriends.  Lord, show me how to be a friend and mentor to them.

9.  Learn some new Hoop tricks!  Ok there's gotta be some fun ones on this list too!  Hooping is my new favorite love.  I'd love to add some new moves to my repertoire of already amazing stuff I've learned.  It' so neat to be able to loosen up and dance like no one's watching!

10.  Enjoy the moment.  Instead of constantly looking for what needs to be done or what I should be doing, I'm learning to be content and enjoy the moment I'm in.  Whether that's enjoying a beautiful sunny day, or just enjoying the walk to the laundry mat,  I'm going to learn to be happy in the moments of each day.  They pass way too quickly.

11.  Do not be afraid.  Sometimes I get consumed with worry over the state of fill-in-the blank.  God says 365 times in the Bible "Do not be afraid".  My life seems to always be in a state of flux.  God is with me.  I will not be afraid.

12.  Blog/Journal/Write.  I love having this blog to record the moments.  I have a Christmas memories book that I got 25 years ago.  I have written in it every Christmas and it's been such a treasure to go back and read what life was like over the years.  It's so important to pass down these stories to the next generation.  Not just little sound bytes or status updates.  But real stories!  Whether it's journaling or blogging, I'd like to continue to record life's happenings for my kids and grandkids.

13.  Be sillier.  Life's too short to take everything so seriously.  I said something yesterday to Larry in a silly voice and he cracked up!  I'm learning to do the unexpected and as the Mary Poppin's song goes "Love to Laugh".

14.  Drink more water.  This has always been an issue for me.  I know I need to drink more water but I just forget.  I don't drink sodas or juice.  Just coffee, tea and water.  If I remember to get my big water bottle and put it on my desk each day maybe I'll remember.  I know the's just a matter of doing it.

15.  Don't feel so pressured.  Being the accomplish oriented freak that I am, having this list is daunting!  It's just a suggested list.  I don't need to do everything on here.  These are good goals to have and shoot for this year but if I fail, then that's ok.  The world will still move on and tomorrow's a new day.

Happy New Year!  May the Lord continue to Bless!