Friday, September 18, 2020

Remodel in progress!

So we've never really lived through a remodel before.  We've remodeled houses before but we haven't lived there when it was being remodeled.

This time, we are actually living in the 800 square feet AS it is being remodeled.  Now that is crazy.

I like order, organization, everything in it's place.

And right now -- everything is NOT in it's place.  It's pretty much a big dusty mess. 

But that's ok, because I know when it's all done--it's gonna look amazing!!

It's kind of like life really.

Life isn't always neat and tidy.  There's problems, broken relationships, hard decisions, fights, arguments and sadness.  It's a big mess at times.  

But we don't just live in that mess.  

There is construction going on.  

There are things being torn down, and things being rebuilt.

New features being added!

And if we can just get through the'll be a beautiful when it's done!  

We work on ourselves, we let God work in and through us.  It's not pretty, it's a little messy and kind of cramped.  But imagine the finished product!

Philippians 1:6 "being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ;"

2 Corinthians 5:17 "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new."

Yay!!!  I don't know about you but I need to be made new....

And I can't wait to see my new condo!!  (and put everything back in it's place! hahaha!)


Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Homeschooling Adventures!

There's a whole bunch of  new people doing virtual school at home now.  I just want to encourage you all that you can do this!  We homeschooled all three of our kids for many many years.  Two of them all they way through and one all but about 2 years.  

We used every type of curriculum over the years.  From structured, to workbooks, to computer classes, to unit studies, to unschooling.

First of all, every kid is different.  That is the first thing that I learned homeschooling!  Everyone does not learn like me!  Some of my kids liked structure, some liked more freedom.  Some needed a desk, some needed to be outside. Some liked to do the pages in order, some liked to randomly open the book and do that page! 

Our homeschooling definitely evolved over the years. At first, all I knew to do was what I knew as "school" at home.  I tried to recreate it.  That didn't go over so well.  Then I realized we had the freedom to do so much more at home!  We could learn here or there!  We could learn everywhere!

We utilized the library, and games, and outside, and loads of free play.  Some of the best learning was random questions as we were flying kites at the park.

Now I know, you all doing the "virtual learning" at home won't have quite as much freedom.  But take this time to get to know your kids.  How do they learn?  Visual, auditory, tactile?  By rote, by memorizing? By singing?   Take this time to get to know yourself!  How's your patience?  How's your attitude? Take this time to listen to what they are learning.  Listen to what's going on in the classroom.

And really, it might be easier just to homeschool yourself! Ha!  I know it's not for everyone, but you'd be surprised what you are capable of!

My biggest thing is you don't have to make sure they know "everything"!  You don't have to stuff every fact into their head before they are 18.  But give them a love of learning.  Teach them how to learn.  How to find the answers.  Find what their passion is and hone in on that! 

Take this time to get to know yourself and build that relationship with your kids.  

It truly is a blessing!