Monday, March 2, 2009

Finally technology again!

It's been a rough few months for me and technology getting along.  First of all my newish computer went on the fritz in January.  We sent it in to the shop and waited and waited for it to be returned.... and waited and waited...  Then they finally called and said it couldn't be repaired so they would issue us a new computer.  But wait!  All my data was on that one!  Could I get it back..  Yes...but wait some more.. so we waited and waited...and waited... Finally 2 months after first sending it in..they said we couldn't get it back after all..  Well we could--but then they couldn't issue me a new computer.  Yikes!  Well, at least I had my phone/pda that had data on it... Until!!!!-- I accidentally put it in the washing machine!!  Oh my goodness!  It was in my housecoat pocket and then I spilled coffee on myself...and dutifully put my housecoat in the washing machine with out a thought..  Now where is my phone??  Oh no.. I didn't!  Yes I actually did!  Well luckily the phone had insurance and the sd card survived.. (i don't know how!)  So we were able to get a replacement phone fairly quickly.  Then I finally got a new computer Saturday.  Ahhh...   Now if only I can remember to back things up!