Monday, November 15, 2010

Homeschooling Journey

It's hard to believe we aren't homeschooling any kids any more. We homeschooled for over 15 years! I still get people asking me questions about it and I'm always happy to share our experience! God has taught me so much about myself through the journey of homeschooling! So if you are just starting out homeschooling or have homeschooled a while and need a fresh's what I would say to you.

First of all let me say that there are as many ways to homeschool as there are people that are homeschooling! Everyone does it differently. There is not "one" way to do it. Every child is different and every learning style is different.

I would also advise not to spend a lot of money at first. Try several things. See which things work and which things don't. If it isn't working then don't use it. There is no use in banging your head against the wall every day just to finish some books! Use the library as much as possible! You also don't have to do "school" at home.

You can do it however you want to during the day. Some days it's playing at the park and going to the zoo. Other days it's writing stories together and baking cookies. Some days it's playing monopoly and learning to make change. Some days it's teaching them to drive and letting them figure out how to read a map. Some days it's building a computer out of other broken computers. Those are the good days. The bad days are not so fun to report.. It's yelling and screaming to "finish your work". It's crying that the house looks like trash and nobody cares. It's disciplining the whole day because we need to work on character and listening. The bad days are yucky but it's part of learning and growing for both the kids and myself.

It's also not about cramming their heads full of knowledge. I liked to teach my kids to love learning. I still love to learn myself to this day! Just because you finish school doesn't mean you stop learning. I liked to teach my kids to learn how to learn. How to find out the things they were interested in.

The other great part about homeschooling is you can teach them Eternal things. Things that really matter-- Bible verses, Bible stories, stories of great heroes in the Faith, stories of great missionaries!

The thing I learned most the 15+ years of homeschooling my kids was this... 
I learned who I was. I learned how I taught, what I expected, how much patience I had or didn't have, I learned that I could change and grow and learn too.

So all that being said... here's some links of several different "schools" of thought.

First of all a good network of people is a must!

Sacc Home School Co-op  This is the homeschool co-op that we belonged to for many years. Lots of great knowledge in this group. Call early..there is usually a waiting list to get in!
The Texas law on homeschooling
It's pretty easy to homeschool in Texas!
Several friends I have use especially first starting out
Abeka is a big can be expensive

Lots of people I know use this for math

We used the Switched on Schoolhouse for a while (computer based) They have other books too

With the internet there may not even be a need to buy a curriculum! There's lots of sites available for printing worksheets, lessons etc. Just google free homeschool stuff. Here's a great site we used for a while..

Different thoughts on homeschooling:
There's tons of info here:

Arlington Homeschool book fair in the spring

But don't let all this overwhelm you!  
You don't have to know everything at once!  Just pray and ask God for guidance and peace, then get in the boat and enjoy this wonderful ride!

Hopefully this will get you started on your journey! 
 There's lots to take in! 
Pray about everything and God will direct you!

Proverbs 3:5-6 
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding;

 In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. "

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


It's not cold outside yet...and it's almost Thanksgiving! But I'm getting in the cooking and baking mood anyway!

I love baking and cooking lots of goodies when I have the time. I was recently inspired by a friend of mine. She has a house full of blessings (kiddos) and I don't know how she does it really but she cooks alot. I recently read on her blog about baking and freezing. Wow! Why hadn't I thought of that before. Bake a whole bunch of goodies and put them in the freezer for later use. I know, it seems obvious.. but I hadn't really thought of it before. I tried the once a month cooking thing...way back before I had kids. I haven't tried it since.

But this made sense to me because my son doesn't like to "fix" anything. Not even a sandwich. He likes to pull stuff out of the freezer and microwave it. So it's easy to buy him those cheap frozen burritos, frozen dinners etc. But I never have liked all the junk that comes along with them. They aren't the most healthy choice! So I spent my day off yesterday baking and baking.

I made about 4 batches of muffins..and put them in freezer bags and stuck them in the freezer! All he has to do in the morning before school is pull one out and microwave it for 20 seconds. Voila! Homemade convenience foods! I also cooked up a batch of taco meat and beans and made about 2 dozen burritos. He loves them! I'm in the process now of making a few loaves of bread in the bread machine to freeze for Thanksgiving. This is so easy! I'm so thankful for friends that show me things and train me in ways I'd never thought of before. Even if they never knew how much they influence those around them. Recipe links below!

Titus 2:4-5 "These older women must train the younger women to love their husbands and their children, to live wisely and be pure, to work in their homes, to do good, and to be submissive to their husbands. Then they will not bring shame on the word of God."

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip muffins

Chocolate Chocolate Chip muffins

Oat applesauce Muffins

Applesauce Bread

Applesauce in the Crockpot!
