Friday, January 13, 2017


What is a Friend?

Over the years, we've moved a lot and lived in a lot of different places. We've met loads of people. Well, I should say Larry has gotten us to meet loads of people! ha ha!  He's definitely the extrovert and I'm the introvert.

Some of the friendships that we've made have continued and some have waned. Some were dormant for a while and some have renewed.  I do enjoy all my different friendships.  As I was sitting having lunch with some friends today I was thinking about what a friend is.

F - Fellowship The dictionary describes fellowship as a "friendly association with people that share one's interests." I remember talking to someone one time who didn't go to our home church and describing how our church worked.  I said that we fellowship for and hour or so.  He looked at me and said "Fellowship for an hour!" I don't think I can do that!  -and then he said "Wait, what's fellow-shipping?"  Haha!  As friends, I think our first thing we love to do is laugh and talk with each other. Those are  some good fellow-shipping times.

R - Remembering  Another great thing about friends is remembering.  We can get together and reminisce about the past.  We can tell stories that only we know and laugh at those things or cry. It's good to bring to mind the things of the past. It's good to have people with me who bring things to mind.

I - Inspiration  I love to be around inspirational people.  Sometimes just a little word or action one of my friends does or says will catapult my life in a whole new direction.  Or maybe I just start to see the world a little differently.

E - Encourager Friends seems to always know the right word to say to lift my day or help me see the sun behind the clouds.  My Eeyore self really needs a good encourager at times and I'm glad I have friends that will do that!

N- Need I hate to be that "needy" friend.  But that's how friendships work.  Sometimes we need stuff from people and sometimes they need stuff.  It goes both ways.  It shouldn't be weighted on one side.  I want to be the friend that can come over when you need, or talk when you need, or just listen.

D - Different Thank goodness all my friends are not just like me.  We all have different interests, tastes in things and temperaments.  But that's what makes it great! We can sharpen each other and keep each other on our toes!  And I can learn not everyone's does things the way I do (or should!)

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

It's a New Year!

So it's a new year and everyone's making resolutions.  I'm not a big resolutions fan.  I'm super goal oriented and if I don't think I can make my goals then I don't want to resolve to do them.

So if you aren't making any New Year's resolutions this year, how about this:

Start:  think about starting one new thing this year. Maybe it's trying to knit? or start reading the Bible, or start walking at lunch?   You don't have to commit to a whole new lifestyle but maybe just a start will nudge you in the right direction.

Stop:  think about stopping one thing this year.  Just as easily as it is to start new habits, it's hard to stop.  But maybe we can just stop one thing?  maybe stop interrupting when someone is talking?  or stop buying those donuts?  or stop complaining?  stop checking your phone. There's always something I need to stop doing.  It's being mindful of those things that will help.

Continue:  Think about continuing one thing this year.  What did you do last year that was a good thing?  Continue it!  Continue walking, continue building friendships, continue praying, continue serving others.  There are lots of good habits that we can keep doing!

That's my resolve for this year.  Start one new thing, stop doing one thing and continue doing something good.

How about you?  Any resolutions?