Friday, April 15, 2016



We all have stuff.

We all need stuff.

We go to the stuff store and buy stuff.  We bring our stuff home and rearrange our other stuff to make room for our new stuff.  We decide to give some stuff to someone else.  We spend time cleaning and playing with our stuff.

Then we go to work to make more money to get more stuff.

Stuff takes over our lives!

I once heard a saying:  The more you have, the more you have to have to take care of the things you have.

True or true?

I'm so happy we downsized.  We've lived in all sizes of houses.  The biggest was 5 bedrooms-3 bathrooms-3500 square feet!  Now, thankfully, we are back down into a 1 bedroom 750 sq ft apartment.

Back when we had a big house, we really used it.  We had 3 kids at home, homeschooled, and had lots of people over all the time.

Now, with our little nest being empty, we don't need near as much room or stuff.

Downsizing is something everyone should do sometime or another.

Look through some of your closets/drawers/cabinets.  Do you really need 10 pots and pans?  Do you really need a whole garage full of tools?  Clothes or shoes?  What do you really wear?

These are the questions I ask myself as we are downsizing.  What do I really use?  And how many at a time can I really use?  Would one or two work just as fine?

Don't be afraid to get rid of some things (or a lot of things).  Downsizing is good.

It is, after all, just stuff.

Good video about being content.

Things to get rid of!

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