I'm not one to make New Year's Resolutions. I like to grow and expand my horizons as the Lord leads and directs me. Sometimes it's January 1 but sometimes it's later in the year. But I am a goal setter and accomplisher. I like to check boxes and get things done. So I won't consider these "resolutions" per se, but a resolve to continue to grow and become the woman God wants me to be.
So here's my list of 15 things I would like to do in 2015:
Continue to Read God's Word daily. I started this habit years ago and it has changed me from the inside out. Continually devouring the Words God has given us is eternally fulfilling and continues to help me in all situations. If you haven't read completely through the Word of God I highly encourage you to do so this year!
There are numerous Bible plans available online. Don't get bogged down in the fact that you skipped a day or feel like you need to catch up. Just pick up the next day and move forward. Feed your soul! It's so important!
Write/Call/Email/Text. When someone comes to mind, I will try to do something to let them know I am thinking and praying for them. Just a short sentence or word would be something. In this day and age, it's easy to stay in contact with people.
Be proactive with my exercise. I need to be
intentionally deciding to walk or exercise or hoop or zumba or whatever. Even while I'm doing something mundane like watching tv, I can get my hoop out, or walk in place. I'm trying to get 8000 steps a day. Hopefully, I can up that to 9000 sometime this year. :)
Take every thought captive. My brain gets the better of me sometime. I'm an internal thinker/processor. I internalize everything instead of talking out loud. I need to take those thoughts captive for Christ. I can quickly get into a downward spiral if I'm not careful. With careful consideration and thought I need to take those negative thoughts and turn them over to the Lord.
Eat foods that will benefit my health. I've changed quite a lot on this one. Larry says I used to go to the store to buy boxes, but I've come a long way now. I usually shop on the outside perimeter of the grocery store.
I read the labels, check the ingredients. That doesn't mean that I won't occasionally eat some junk food. Everything in moderation.
Memorize Scripture. A few years back I memorized Romans 12. I'd like to revisit this one and also add a
few other chapters to my memory banks. It's not only good for the soul, but great to stretch this old brain! If you haven't memorized Scripture lately, try it! You may be surprised just what you can remember! Anyone want to
do this with me??
Try not to immediately be negative. I've always joked that I'm Eeyore and Larry is Tigger. I don't know why but I usually go to the negative. Larry's shown me that even the yuckiest circumstances can have a silver lining. I will try to see the glass more half full.
Continue to grow in my relationship with my adult kids. It's a whole different world now that my kids are grown. I am learning to navigate this crazy world of adult children. I want to continue to have a great relationship with them and their spouses/girlfriends. Lord, show me how to be a friend and mentor to them.
Learn some new Hoop tricks! Ok there's gotta be some fun ones on this list too!
Hooping is my new favorite love. I'd love to add some new moves to my repertoire of already amazing stuff I've learned. It' so neat to be able to loosen up and dance like no one's watching!
Enjoy the moment. Instead of constantly looking for what needs to be done or what I should be doing, I'm learning to be content and enjoy the moment I'm in. Whether that's enjoying a beautiful sunny day, or just enjoying the walk to the laundry mat, I'm going to learn to be happy in the moments of each day. They pass way too quickly.
Do not be afraid. Sometimes I get consumed with worry over the state of fill-in-the blank. God says
365 times in the Bible "Do not be afraid". My life seems to always be in a state of flux. God is with me. I will not be afraid.
Blog/Journal/Write. I love having this blog to record the moments. I have a Christmas memories book that I got 25 years ago. I have written in it every Christmas and it's been such a treasure to go back and read what life was like over the years. It's so important to pass down these stories to the next generation. Not just little sound bytes or status updates. But real stories! Whether it's journaling or blogging, I'd like to continue to record life's happenings for my kids and grandkids.
Be sillier. Life's too short to take everything so seriously. I said something yesterday to Larry in a silly voice and he cracked up! I'm learning to do the unexpected and as the Mary Poppin's song goes "Love to Laugh".
Drink more water. This has always been an issue for me. I know I need to drink more water but I just forget. I don't drink sodas or juice. Just coffee, tea and water. If I remember to get my big water bottle and put it on my desk each day maybe I'll remember. I know the benefits...it's just a matter of doing it.
Don't feel so pressured. Being the accomplish oriented freak that I am, having this list is daunting! It's just a suggested list. I don't need to do everything on here. These are good goals to have and shoot for this year but if I fail, then that's ok. The world will still move on and tomorrow's a new day.
Happy New Year! May the Lord continue to Bless!