Wednesday, December 23, 2009

It's Just a Mailbox!

Ok..So my daughter just had her first car wreck yesterday! She's ok. Car's ok. Everything is ok..except for one mailbox. It was a massacre...bricks everywhere! We ran out to see what happened..but started laughing and hugging when we realized she was fine and the car was fine. I's just a mailbox, right? Well you wouldn't think so from our neighbors reaction! They came out and didn't even ask if she was ok! They were devastated! No smiles, no "it's ok!", just stark faces, crossed arms, and angry words. They even called the police! Seriously? The wife called the husband home from work too! Why?? Larry was out there graciously cleaning up the mess. He even called a place that could come out and fix it same day! We even brought over money to cover cost! But still..stark faces, crossed arms, and angry words. Why?? Is this something to get that upset over? Is it something that is unfixable? Is it something that is life changing?? Not in the least!! It's just a mailbox! It's no inconvenience to anyone except maybe the mailman ..who will have to get out of his truck to deliver the mail to the door. There's just too many things that happen in life to get upset about things that don't matter. I watched my sweet niece get ravaged by leukemia...THAT'S bigger than a mailbox! 4,000 babies were murdered by legal abortion just today...THAT'S bigger than a mailbox! Kids in Uganda are working all day long in a rock quarry for one penny...THAT'S bigger than a mailbox! I have friends whose spouses have left them this year...THAT'S bigger than a mailbox!

Let's cherish this life we are given. Let's get upset about things that we should get upset about! and let's let go of things that don't matter at all... after all, IT"S JUST A MAILBOX!!!


Cheryl said...

Great words! I think people are so short sighted sometimes they just don't see what's truly important...

I'm so glad your daughter is okay!

Teri's Tidbits said...

Right on! Maybe God orchestrated/allowed this so you could talk to your neighbors about Jesus! May be a God moment... So glad Renee is okay!