Coming up to the end of the year is sobering. You start thinking of how the year went, what all has happened, choices that were made or weren't made. But it's also a time to think of the year to come. So much can happen in a year. Life just seems to speed up every year. Some highlights and low lights of the year:
- I have 3 teenagers now!
- Larry and I celebrated our 20th year of marriage!
- I started a part time (almost full time!) job--which I love by the way
- We remembered the one year anniversary of Skylar going to be with Jesus
- Larry and I were in a terrible car wreck that totaled our car-thankfully we weren't hurt badly
- 4 of our a/c's went out in 5 of our rent houses this summer! ugh!
- I got to go to Ireland!
- the boys had some great trainings with Sea Cadets
- Renee got a job at Sonic!
- Renee got a car!
- Scott got a motorcycle!
- I have 2 kids driving!
- it was our last year at our homeschool co-op (we've been there for 8 yrs!)
- Sam started Jr. High
- Sam played football at school and did awesome!
- Scott was gone for 3 weeks this summer and rode halfway across the country on a bus!
- I attended my 20 yr high school reunion!
Who knows what next year will bring. Larry's job is uncertain. The election in next year. (Larry is running for governor.) Renee will be 18 next year and may move off.. who knows! Things change so quickly. It's good to remember the good and the bad. It's good to continue to walk with the Lord. He is our strength. One of my favorite verses is Romans 5:3-6 "We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love."
Look at it like this:
problems/trials ----> endurance ----->strength of character ----->hope------>God's love
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