Let's cherish this life we are given. Let's get upset about things that we should get upset about! and let's let go of things that don't matter at all... after all, IT"S JUST A MAILBOX!!!
I'm an servant of the Most High God, an empty nester and keto grandma who loves to hoop, read, and drink hot tea :)
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
It's Just a Mailbox!
Ok..So my daughter just had her first car wreck yesterday! She's ok. Car's ok. Everything is ok..except for one mailbox. It was a massacre...bricks everywhere! We ran out to see what happened..but started laughing and hugging when we realized she was fine and the car was fine. I mean..it's just a mailbox, right? Well you wouldn't think so from our neighbors reaction! They came out and didn't even ask if she was ok! They were devastated! No smiles, no "it's ok!", just stark faces, crossed arms, and angry words. They even called the police! Seriously? The wife called the husband home from work too! Why?? Larry was out there graciously cleaning up the mess. He even called a place that could come out and fix it same day! We even brought over money to cover cost! But still..stark faces, crossed arms, and angry words. Why?? Is this something to get that upset over? Is it something that is unfixable? Is it something that is life changing?? Not in the least!! It's just a mailbox! It's no inconvenience to anyone except maybe the mailman ..who will have to get out of his truck to deliver the mail to the door. There's just too many things that happen in life to get upset about things that don't matter. I watched my sweet niece get ravaged by leukemia...THAT'S bigger than a mailbox! 4,000 babies were murdered by legal abortion just today...THAT'S bigger than a mailbox! Kids in Uganda are working all day long in a rock quarry for one penny...THAT'S bigger than a mailbox! I have friends whose spouses have left them this year...THAT'S bigger than a mailbox!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
The Year in Review

Coming up to the end of the year is sobering. You start thinking of how the year went, what all has happened, choices that were made or weren't made. But it's also a time to think of the year to come. So much can happen in a year. Life just seems to speed up every year. Some highlights and low lights of the year:
- I have 3 teenagers now!
- Larry and I celebrated our 20th year of marriage!
- I started a part time (almost full time!) job--which I love by the way
- We remembered the one year anniversary of Skylar going to be with Jesus
- Larry and I were in a terrible car wreck that totaled our car-thankfully we weren't hurt badly
- 4 of our a/c's went out in 5 of our rent houses this summer! ugh!
- I got to go to Ireland!
- the boys had some great trainings with Sea Cadets
- Renee got a job at Sonic!
- Renee got a car!
- Scott got a motorcycle!
- I have 2 kids driving!
- it was our last year at our homeschool co-op (we've been there for 8 yrs!)
- Sam started Jr. High
- Sam played football at school and did awesome!
- Scott was gone for 3 weeks this summer and rode halfway across the country on a bus!
- I attended my 20 yr high school reunion!
Who knows what next year will bring. Larry's job is uncertain. The election in next year. (Larry is running for governor.) Renee will be 18 next year and may move off.. who knows! Things change so quickly. It's good to remember the good and the bad. It's good to continue to walk with the Lord. He is our strength. One of my favorite verses is Romans 5:3-6 "We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love."
Look at it like this:
problems/trials ----> endurance ----->strength of character ----->hope------>God's love
Monday, August 10, 2009
Newlyweds and Oldyweds

We just visited my niece and her new hubby. They are newlyweds. They've only been married a few months. It's so cute to watch them. They are always hugging and kissing or holding hands. They get up and get each other a drink or something to eat. They always ask if it's ok they do this or that. It's so adorable! On the other hand..they have no idea what's ahead for them. They have no idea that hard times come, feelings get hurt, miscommunications happen. They have no idea that that "woozy woozy" feeling fades over time. They also have no idea that it's replaced with a love that goes deeper. Larry and I will be married 20 years this year. That's a long time. We are so past the newlywed stage. We still hold hands and cuddle. But it's so much deeper. We've been through the thin and now we're into the "thick"! (in more ways than one!) We have seen what it's like to love each other and be there for each other through sickness and health, rich or poor, for better and for worse. Some days there is more better and some days are more worse. But we have a bond that will last. Love is a lot like a garden. You have to weed it, water it, and plant new stuff in it. It's a process but with a little work the flowers of love will bloom year after year. I'm excited to see what the next 20 years hold!
Monday, July 27, 2009
I am missing my sweet little niece Skylar so much! I have dreams about her all the time. I thought I'd blog about a few. I dreamed the other day that Skylar was alive but very tiny..and we kept her in a book on the shelf. Anytime we wanted to see her..we got the book down and she got out and played with us!
When Skylar first passed away I had dreams about her every night. I dreamt that I was in charge of watching her and she was playing out in the front yard and I lost her! I couldn't find her anywhere! I also had a dream that the hospital called us up one day and told us that they found a perfectly healthy Skylar just walking around the hospital and that it had been a total mix-up! They had no idea who that sick little girl was that we were caring for!
The dictionary defines dreams as
1. | a succession of images, thoughts, or emotions passing through the mind during sleep. Well, I think about Skylar a lot and she will always be in my mind and heart! |
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
New Stage of Life
Well... I started something I thought I wouldn't do for a long time... I started a part time job! I've been working there about a month now and I absolutely love it! It's for a great cause, it's great people, and it's perfect for me! I have been volunteering at the Arlington Resale Shop for about 6 months now. It's the thrift store that supports the Arlington Pregnancy Center. I had been thinking about getting a part time job but wasn't quite sure where to look. You've got to understand I've never really had a job before. Sure, I've worked temp jobs here and there. Some office work, fast food etc. But never anything for a long period of time. I was volunteering at the store one day when I felt like the Lord was telling me to ask if they had any part time jobs there. I kind of started arguing with God. "God- this is a volunteer operation. They don't have enough money to hire anyone here." on and on the doubts went... Finally God was just telling me to ask! So I did. The lady said..."We've been looking to hire some part time people and would love to hire a volunteer!" Yeah! Just obeying what God is telling you --Works! Anyway.. it's perfect for me. I run the register, help put out merchandise, tag and hang clothes, help customers, work on the displays...etc! I love it so much and I feel like I'm really doing something to help out! The pregnancy center helps women in a crisis pregnancy situation. They help show them that life is important! They help the women with diapers, formula, baby stuff too. It's such a blessing! Thank you Jesus!
Monday, June 1, 2009
My adventures--Part 2!
So we got to the Blarney Castle. It was absolutely fairy tale like. The grounds and gardens were all in bloom. Weather was clear and sunny. The climb to the top of the castle was a steep windy staircase of 100 steps. Once at the top, you could see for ever. It was so pretty! There was a line to kiss the Blarney Stone. Now kissing the stone is not an easy feat. It is part of the castle wall and to get to it you must lay down on your back lean your head back over the edge and then kiss the stone. It sounds perilous but it's all set up real nice for tourists nowadays. There is a guy sitting there and his whole job all day is to hold people . You lay down on a mat, grab hold of the iron bars for safety, let the man lay you back and hold your hands, and then the photographer snaps your picture and snaps it again as you smooch the stone. Then you're done! Next!
We got in the bus after a good lunch and a bit of shopping and headed off to Kilarney. Our hotel here was wonderful too. We would stay here 2 nights.
The next morning we did an optional tour. We were curious as to what it was because in the itinerary it stated "Jaunting Car ride". Jaunting? Hmmm.. we just had to do it! Well, it turns out that it was a horse and carriage ride. A little jaunting..but not what I was expecting. They took us through Killarney National Forest. We saw deer, and ducks, and castles, and lots of beautiful flowers and trees. It sprinkled on us a little bit but it couldn't have been prettier!
Now we were headed to the Ring of Kerry. The Ring of Kerry is a gorgeous drive around the coast. Up mountains, and around the coastline..took lots of pictures and ooohed and aaahed. Couldn't believe how pretty is was. Again, we had just perfect weather!
5 days into the trip and I was talking to Larry on the phone. He told me that Sam had just said to him "Where's mom?" 5 days I was gone and he just now notices!!??
Anyway... We went with some of the tour people to 2 pubs that night. We had a good time listening to Irish music and trying different drinks.
The last day we woke up to rain and wind. Can't complain though because it had been so nice the whole trip! We took a ferry across the river Shannon. It was a small ferry. A few buses and cars fit on it. It had a small deck that you could go up on and look around. We got off the bus and got out to take pictures and it was cold and windy!! We took our pictures and jumped back on the bus. As we were sitting there warming up we were watching some of our other tour people up on the deck...when a huge wave came and splashed them all! We were so glad we had gotten in the bus when we did!
We drove on to the Cliffs of Moehr. These are supposed to be some incredible cliffs. Very dramatic. Well, when we got there it was still raining and cloudy and we ended up not being able to see a thing! I guess we'll have to go back and see them someday!
Then we were off to our last hotel. It was Bonratty Castle. Very nice. 4 star. The tour company had set us up to have a real medieval dinner in the Bonratty Castle. Great food and singing. Definitely beat Medieval Times here in Dallas!
Then, like that, our trip was over. We had to get up at 4 am the next morning to fly back to Dublin and then fly back to NYC. Spent one more night in NYC--didn't want to rush getting back! And then flew home.
It was a wonderful adventure! Got to see so many things and had a great time with my good friend Becky. It was a good first outing for her. They speak English there-so that was nice. Even if they can't say anything with "th". Our bus driver would say, "I tink dere may be turty tree steps!" Just imagine it! What a hoot!
Good times! Can't wait to find out where our next adventure takes us!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Vacation to NY and Ireland!
My three favorite items to take on a traveling adventure: a moneybelt--so those pesky pickpockets won't get your credit cards; spacebags!--so all your stuff can be smushed down in your bag; and a journal! A journal is so important because it's so hard to remember everything that happened!
Here's a few highlights from my journal this trip.
My friend Becky got her passport recently and was itching to get it stamped! Of course, as a good friend I had to oblige her and go with her somewhere! We found a great deal to Ireland..just couldn't pass it up. So we booked it! It was going to be a different kind of trip than I had taken before. Usually, I go with a friend and we research what all we want to see, research the subway system, take Rick Steve's book and off we go! When we land-we hit the ground running and take in all the sights, museums and history and love it all!
This trip was going to be different because we booked with a tour company. We didn't have to plan anything.. all we had to do was be where they told us and prop up our feet on the bus :) Nice!
We decided to take 2 extra days at the beginning in NYC. No tour company here..just crammed everything in! The weather was absolutely beautiful! The first day we saw Rockefeller Center, St. Patrick's Cathedral, ate at Lombardi's pizza and saw Mary Poppins on Broadway! There's a great place in Times Square that sells 1/2 price Broadway tickets for that day. You are limited to what they are selling but we walked up at 7:30 and bought $67 tickets to Mary Poppins on the 9th row center. The show started at 8:00! It was a great show! Loved all the songs! I'm counting my steps on my pedometer too...this day 12, 055 steps!
Day 2 NYC-Got on one of those hop on/off bus tours and went to the WTC site, rode Staten Island Ferry, walked across the Brooklyn bridge, saw St. Paul's church, and went to another Broadway show--Shrek the Musical.. really funny! 18, 170 steps!
The next day was the day we left for Ireland so we didn't do as much. Went to Central Park, walked around alot, people watched, ate and ate! Our plane left at 6:30 pm--it was a 6 hr flight. 14,000 steps
We basically lost a whole night's sleep because the flight was about 6 hrs and Ireland is 6 hrs ahead. So we landed at 6:30 am! I think I slept about 30 minutes on the plane---not near enough!
We found our tour group and off we went to the hotel. I was so impressed at the quality of hotels and food. All 4 star hotels! I would have never been able to stay in such great places if we hadn't gotten a great deal on the package. Remember, I've been to Europe with my niece before and stayed in hostels and a tent in Venice! Quite the experience!
Anyway... Our tour group arranged for us a bus tour around Dublin. Really interesting with lots of facts and sights...my brain was trying to process --no sleep does a number on ya!--Took lots of pictures though. I wish we would have come up to Dublin a day early though because we would have been able to see a lot more...oh well, maybe next time!
Some things I learned on the tour: Mr. & Mrs. Guinness had 21 children! --no wonder he invented the great beer!; the harp is the national symbol of Ireland-not the shamrock; police officers are unarmed in Ireland...
We went to a great pub that night and were thoroughly fed and entertained by Irish singers and step dancers! Had some Guinness and Irish coffee too! It was still light at 10:30 and the sun came up at 4:30! Short nights there!
The next day we started our drive south toward the Rock of Cashel, Cork and Tipperary --and yes it was a long way there :)
I'll post a few more stories soon.....
Thursday, May 7, 2009
God's Word
A few Bible verses that have encouraged me and been a blessing to me lately:
Job 29:3 "..and by HIS light I walked through darkness."
2 Corinthians 12:7-10 "7 And lest I should be exalted above measure by the abundance of the revelations, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I be exalted above measure. 8 Concerning this thing I pleaded with the Lord three times that it might depart from me. 9 And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 10 Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong."
2 Corinthians 6:4-10 "But in all things we commend ourselves as ministers of God: in much patience, in tribulations, in needs, in distresses, 5 in stripes, in imprisonments, in tumults, in labors, in sleeplessness, in fastings; 6 by purity, by knowledge, by longsuffering, by kindness, by the Holy Spirit, by sincere love, 7 by the word of truth, by the power of God, by the armor of righteousness on the right hand and on the left, 8 by honor and dishonor, by evil report and good report; as deceivers, and yet true; 9 as unknown, and yet well known; as dying, and behold we live; as chastened, and yet not killed; 10 as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things."
I have read the Bible all the way through a few times in my lifetime. (I should do it more!) And it's amazing to me how I can read something and I think "Wow! where was this verse?? It's speaking right to me!" I'm a big reader and have read many books. If I pick a book up and read it again..it says the same thing it did last time. It doesn't "speak" to me. It's the same story, the same plot etc. But the Bible is living and active. God uses it to pierce to my soul. I'm thankful I serve a God that cares about my life. He uses His word to help me through tough situations. I just need to read it!
Hebrews 4:12 "12 For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."
Thursday, April 16, 2009
I get to go to Europe again! I'm so excited! My friend just got her passport and wanted to go somewhere so .... I just had to oblige her :) We searched and searched for deals...until we found a great one to Ireland! We leave in 5 weeks! I can't believe I get to go again. I love to travel. You learn so much. History is right before your eyes. I love to read and I love history. I've read lots of history..but there's just something so different about seeing the actual things right before. It makes it come alive and seem real. I remember it more when I'm actually seeing it. Ireland will be great. I think there will be lots of beautiful scenery as well. I definitely have the traveling bug. I can't wait to infect someone else with it! Look out Becky!
Friday, April 10, 2009
It's hard to let go
Being a parent is tough. I thought when the kids were all little it was hard. And it was! Changing diapers all the time, waking up in the middle of the night, getting them in and out of car seats, being their sole entertainment, picking up after them all the time etc... That was all physical stuff. I was physically exhausted. But now it's different. It's an emotional/mental thing. I'm constantly praying and thinking about them. Where are they? What are they doing? Are they making wise choices? Who are they hanging out with? What influences do they have on them? It's exhausting too...but in a different way. I want so much for my kids. I want them to first and foremost honor the Lord. I want them to be a blessing to others. I want them to have fun. I want them to take to heart all that we've taught them these last umpteen years. I've given so much of my life for them. I want it to mean something. But in the end...it's up to them. I think, reflecting on this Easter weekend, that that's just a little tiny microscopic bit of how God feels toward us. He gave everything for us! He watched His Son die a horrible death..just so I could have life. He wants me to honor Him. He wants me to be a blessing to others. He wants me to have fun. Do I choose these things? Sometimes. It means so much when I come to God because I want to and because I love Him. I know that it's like that with my kids too. I want them to want to.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Finally technology again!
It's been a rough few months for me and technology getting along. First of all my newish computer went on the fritz in January. We sent it in to the shop and waited and waited for it to be returned.... and waited and waited... Then they finally called and said it couldn't be repaired so they would issue us a new computer. But wait! All my data was on that one! Could I get it back.. Yes...but wait some more.. so we waited and waited...and waited... Finally 2 months after first sending it in..they said we couldn't get it back after all.. Well we could--but then they couldn't issue me a new computer. Yikes! Well, at least I had my phone/pda that had data on it... Until!!!!-- I accidentally put it in the washing machine!! Oh my goodness! It was in my housecoat pocket and then I spilled coffee on myself...and dutifully put my housecoat in the washing machine with out a thought.. Now where is my phone?? Oh no.. I didn't! Yes I actually did! Well luckily the phone had insurance and the sd card survived.. (i don't know how!) So we were able to get a replacement phone fairly quickly. Then I finally got a new computer Saturday. Ahhh... Now if only I can remember to back things up!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Life happens
Life has it's ups and downs. Some periods of life seem to be more up and sometimes it's more down. I think I'm in a "down" time. It seems like lots of bad things happen. Why? Why do kids get cancer? Why do people say things to hurt others? Why don't people take time to be together and do things for others? Why do our kids seem to drive us nuts sometimes? Why does sin creep into our lives? Why do bad attitudes seem to take over sometime? Why is the world going to hell in a handbasket? These questions can overwhelm me at times and cause me to start to sink in the floodwaters of life. That's when I have to cling to my only life raft. The Lord and His Word.
Job 29:3 "by His light I walked through darkness.."
Psalm 16:8 "I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken."
Ps 42:5 "Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God"
Thursday, January 29, 2009
for Tuesday
I want to tell you about a great way to help someone! I have a friend whose grandbaby has cancer. She is only 2! There is a great fundraiser going on right now to help the family with expenses. Go to www.homestudio.etsy.com and you will see the cutest pendant necklaces made out of scrabble tiles! I bought 3 myself and I love them! So go order a necklace today and help a little girl out. (Be sure and put "For Tuesday" --that's her name-- in the checkout so they'll get credit for the purchase.) thank you all!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
25 Random Things about Valerie
1. I've been married now longer than I was single.
2. I used to play the violin and wish I still did.. either that or the piano.
3. I love to travel and would travel all the time if $$ wasn't an issue.
4. I love to go watch plays...especially at this little theatre in Cleburne, TX. They are so good!
5. I am really grumpy and gripey and I tend toward pessimism...I really have to work on it half the time and hold my tongue the other half!
6. I was a big nerd in school.
7. I love to read and research and learn new things. (this really goes well with the traveling bit!)
8. I would love to write a book someday but don't know if I will.
9. I have no idea what I'm going to do once all my kids leave. :(
10. I'm trying to grow my hair out now.. it's so slow.. I wish it were a foot longer. It really is easy though..just wash and wear!
11. I volunteer with my daughter once a week at the Crisis Pregnancy Center Resale shop. It's alot of fun and I would love to volunteer some more.
12. When I'm in the reading mood..or find a good author.. I read about a book a week.
13. I turn into a pumpkin at 10:00pm. (not literally! I'm just so sleepy past that!)
14. I've been homeschooling for 11 yrs now.
15. I started wearing only skirts about 2 yrs ago. I like that they fit better, feel better and are more modest. It's a bit cold in winter..but with leggings and funky long socks it's great!
16. I have to be in the mood for what I'm wearing that day.. and sometimes on Sunday I might change 2 or 3 times.
17. Earl Grey tea is my favorite.
18. I would love to say I've been to every country in Europe sometime. (I've already been to six but Italy is my favorite so far!)
19. I've been teaching a class about missionaries in our homeschool co-op since it started (about 6 yrs ago)..different missionaries thoughout time.. I love missions and would love to go on missions trips once a year--again the $$.
20. My love language is service-- although NO ONE else in my family seems to have that same love language.
21. It's really hard to think of 25 random things about yourself... (does that count as one?)
22. I love all the quiz/trivia shows. Anything about geography or history is wonderful!
23. Most of the time when people see me at church they ask me "How's Larry?" -- I want to say (but don't) "I don't know --I'm not Larry--but if you want to know about ME--I'm fine thank you!"
24. We decoupaged (sp?) our dining room table with all kinds of pics from magazines of things that represent our family. It's quite the conversation piece.
25. I hate moving (although we've moved about 10 times since we've been married) but I do love the change and being able to get rid of stuff. ... I don't like to be a pack rat.
2. I used to play the violin and wish I still did.. either that or the piano.
3. I love to travel and would travel all the time if $$ wasn't an issue.
4. I love to go watch plays...especially at this little theatre in Cleburne, TX. They are so good!
5. I am really grumpy and gripey and I tend toward pessimism...I really have to work on it half the time and hold my tongue the other half!
6. I was a big nerd in school.
7. I love to read and research and learn new things. (this really goes well with the traveling bit!)
8. I would love to write a book someday but don't know if I will.
9. I have no idea what I'm going to do once all my kids leave. :(
10. I'm trying to grow my hair out now.. it's so slow.. I wish it were a foot longer. It really is easy though..just wash and wear!
11. I volunteer with my daughter once a week at the Crisis Pregnancy Center Resale shop. It's alot of fun and I would love to volunteer some more.
12. When I'm in the reading mood..or find a good author.. I read about a book a week.
13. I turn into a pumpkin at 10:00pm. (not literally! I'm just so sleepy past that!)
14. I've been homeschooling for 11 yrs now.
15. I started wearing only skirts about 2 yrs ago. I like that they fit better, feel better and are more modest. It's a bit cold in winter..but with leggings and funky long socks it's great!
16. I have to be in the mood for what I'm wearing that day.. and sometimes on Sunday I might change 2 or 3 times.
17. Earl Grey tea is my favorite.
18. I would love to say I've been to every country in Europe sometime. (I've already been to six but Italy is my favorite so far!)
19. I've been teaching a class about missionaries in our homeschool co-op since it started (about 6 yrs ago)..different missionaries thoughout time.. I love missions and would love to go on missions trips once a year--again the $$.
20. My love language is service-- although NO ONE else in my family seems to have that same love language.
21. It's really hard to think of 25 random things about yourself... (does that count as one?)
22. I love all the quiz/trivia shows. Anything about geography or history is wonderful!
23. Most of the time when people see me at church they ask me "How's Larry?" -- I want to say (but don't) "I don't know --I'm not Larry--but if you want to know about ME--I'm fine thank you!"
24. We decoupaged (sp?) our dining room table with all kinds of pics from magazines of things that represent our family. It's quite the conversation piece.
25. I hate moving (although we've moved about 10 times since we've been married) but I do love the change and being able to get rid of stuff. ... I don't like to be a pack rat.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Odd jobs
I haven't had too many paid jobs in my life. I've been a waitress, admin assistant, and worked in a cookie shop. Nothing too exciting. But I have the toughest job in the world now. And I don't even get paid for it! (and least not monetarily!) That is raising my kids. It's so hard because there's no formula. There's no daily list of tasks we need to accomplish. There's no clock in or out time. There's no bonuses. There's no reviews. Just when you think you get it figured out..they grow up and move on to new things and issues. Yes--it is a really tough job, no-I wouldn't change it. With help and wisdom from others who've gone before, and a lot of prayer somehow we will make it through this maze called parenting. And hopefully our kids will too and look back and appreciate it.
Monday, January 12, 2009
I hate getting older. It doesn't seem like I should feel old at 37 but I guess my body is letting me know some stuff. Everyday when I wake up..it takes my body a good while to get moving. I feel old and stiff. The chiropractor is helping a lot though. So thank goodness for him! My new year's resolutions are to get moving more. Stay active. Ride my bike or walk ...you know.... EXERCISE!! Yikes! Well, there's always good intentions at the start of a new year..but I think I can do this for the sake of my body. I'll let you all know how it turns out as the year goes on. I guess getting older is just a part of life. :)
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Crazy Texas Weather
I love the Texas weather! You never need to put away all your winter clothes! It has been beautiful all week --and it's January! It was 81 degrees today! I love getting out of the house and working in the yard, planting flowers, cleaning out the flower beds, feeling the warm sun rays on my face, sitting in the hammock reading a book, watching the kids play outside and jump on the trampoline.... Since summer is so hot here, it's nice to be able to get out in January! I better enjoy it today because tomorrow it's suppossed to be in the 40s! :(
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