Thursday, April 16, 2009


I get to go to Europe again!  I'm so excited! My friend just got her passport and wanted to go somewhere so .... I just had to oblige her :)  We searched and searched for deals...until we found a great one to Ireland!  We leave in 5 weeks!  I can't believe I get to go again.  I love to travel.  You learn so much.  History is right before your eyes.  I love to read and I love history.  I've read lots of history..but there's just something so different about seeing the actual things right before. It makes it come alive and seem real.  I remember it more when I'm actually seeing it.  Ireland will be great. I think there will be lots of beautiful scenery as well.  I definitely have the traveling bug.  I can't wait to infect someone else with it!  Look out Becky!

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