Friday, January 31, 2020

20 Difficult things to do

Things that are difficult that they never tell you (in no particular order):

1. saying goodbye
2. learning new habits
3. being the bigger person
4. keeping your mouth closed/or not commenting
5. walking away
6. changing the saying on the letterboard
7. knowing when the avocado is ready to eat
8. when/how to help or not help
9. self care
10. getting the perfect weather to fly a kite
11. what to do when things don't go your way
12. striking a match from a matchbook
13. learning what truly matters
14. knowing when to let go and when to hang on
15. how much to be involved
16. unclogging the kitchen sink
17. hanging up a picture when the hanger is in the middle of the picture
18. saying I'm sorry
19. loving with no return
20. not buying stuff at Target

Friday, January 17, 2020

When things don't turn out like you thought they would

Life has so many twists and turns.  You are going along just fine, you think your life is on this certain trajectory and then boom... something changes.

And then there's the times that you expect something to turn out a certain way...and it just flat out doesn't.

Expectations can cause some major anxiety and a lot of disappointment.

I live in Eeyore world.  I always see the rainy cloud, the glass half empty blah blah blah.

But I'm married to Tigger.  Thank the Lord.

He can see the positive in almost everything.  Even the bleakest of the bleak, he can pull something positive out.

I remember many many moons ago, he came home unusually early from work and said "I have good news and bad news."  Which would you like first?  Well, me-I want the bad news first.  He said "I lost my job!"  Ok, how you gonna pull some good news out of that one??  Then he said, the good news is we get to go home for Christmas!  He turned a sad situation, into a happy, family time.

Rarely does life go the way you expect it to.  I generally get disappointed at the people around me, including myself.

But it's all in the perspective.

Is my expectation the "right" way.  Maybe it is, but maybe there are other ways.

Sometimes I just gotta go all Elsa and Let it Go! Let it Go!

Do you have a Tigger in your life?  Everyone needs one, or needs to be one for someone else! 

Life's tough.  There's gonna be disappointments.  People won't always be or do the things you'd like.  

I can only change myself.  I can only work on me.

And that's a lot of work!

Thursday, January 9, 2020

New Year's Goals

New year.  New decade.
Now's the time everyone starts making new goals and resolutions.
New beginnings, right?

I am a super goal oriented person.  I like accomplishing things.  I like getting things done.  So you'd think I would love new year's resolutions.  But I really don't. A year just seems like so long to keep something up!  I like smaller, more attainable goals.  Like daily goals.

I walk my 11,000 steps a day.  That's attainable.

I did a read through the Bible plan every year for years..and I'm going to start that back again.

I like small bites as goals.

A little bit every day can make a huge change in your future self.

You can't change others.  But you can change yourself.

I can't change other people's attitudes about me.  But I can change my attitude about myself.

I can't change other people's health habits.  But I can change my health habits.

I can't change how other people spend their time and energy.  But I can change mine.

We are given a short time on Earth.  

This is a new year.  New beginnings.