Friday, July 19, 2019

Introverts and Hoops

I can be in a roomful of people and feel so alone.  I know I should go up and talk to someone.  If I do though they may not engage in a conversation with me.  They may only talk all about themselves.  They may walk away.

So I stare at my phone, or look awkwardly around the room.  I get up and walk. 

The problems of an introvert.  I want to be included but I also don't.

But I must not be defined by my personality bents.  I can change, I can grow.

So I say hello to someone.  I ask them a question about themselves.  I listen.  Even if the conversation doesn't ever get back around to me, that's ok.  Maybe I'm the listening ear to another introvert that needs to talk.

I have to push myself to get out of my comfort zone.  Thankfully, I am married to an extrovert so he stretches me to get out of my own little world.

I also love the hoop.  It stretches me so much to get out there and just BE! 

Be me.

Be free.

Be who I want to be.

To some, it's just a silly little toy that makes me a "hippy".  But to me, it's real.  It's life changing.  It's a tool to help me get out of my introvert head.

So if you see someone sitting alone.  Gather up your courage and go say hello.  Ask their name.

If you see me hooping, give me a smile and some encouraging words.  It goes a long way.  It makes me bolder for my next people-y encounter.

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