Friday, March 3, 2017

On being an introvert

You might not know this about me... but I'm an introvert.  I like people and I like being around people...just in limited quantities.  I like time alone.  A lot.  I like time to myself and time to think by myself.

You might not think I'm an introvert because my hubby is such an extrovert!  But it's true.  I am more of an introvert.

So just some thoughts on being an introvert:

  • I do enjoy people and big crowds but if I'm not talking that doesn't mean I'm not listening.  And I may need to leave and walk around by myself just to recharge a bit.  Crowds drain me.
  • I'm better talking one on one or in small groups.
  • I love to be silly and have fun.
  • If I've spent a while with a big group then I need some down time to recharge.
  • I'm perfectly fine spending an entire weekend alone.  Or going places alone.
  • I think internally.  I may mull something over for a while and process it all internally. I may or may not eventually tell you how I feel.
  • I prefer to work alone. I'm not sure if this is an introvert thing or just a being independent thing.
  • I like being married to my best friend the Extrovert!  He helps me get out of my shell and not be a hermit!  He makes my life interesting and a whole lot of fun!

God made us all different!  I'm thankful for that! It'd be a pretty quiet world if we were all like me! I'm glad I have a lot of extrovert friends too! They are fun! and I love it!

Just not too much fun all at once! HA!

So...Did you think I was an introvert?  How about you?  Where do you fall on the introvert/extrovert scale?

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