Thursday, June 16, 2016

Things I don't understand

Proverbs 30:18 "There are three things which are too wonderful for me,
Yes, four which I do not understand:"

There are many things I don't understand in this world.  Just a few I was thinking about today...

Why do people value going to college so much?  Anytime anyone says "I'm going to school" or "I'm going back to school" people applaud and give so many accolades.  Why don't we applaud people starting a new business or staying home with their kids?

Why don't people plan ahead enough financially to be able to stay home and raise their kids?  This isn't a dig at working moms.  But why don't people make it a priority?  This is probably the most important job in the world.

Why do people buy big houses that they can't afford? And then they are only really there to sleep in them and never there to use them because they are constantly working?  The more you have - the more you have to have to take care of the things you have.

Why do people wait years and years to have kids?  Just biologically speaking, a woman's body is only available to have kids for a certain amount of time.  Again, not a dig at people that have trouble conceiving. I just don't understand why people postpone this huge blessing..maybe because they are going to school...

I don't understand why people don't put effort into their relationships.  Whether it be their marriage, or friendships, or family relationships.  In this age of technology it takes a very short amount of time to show you care.  In marriage, it takes putting the other's needs ahead of our own.

I don't understand why people don't travel.  It doesn't have to cost very much.  You can actually travel on a budget! There's so much of the world to see and experience!

I don't understand why people can't see the Creator in the creation!  Isn't it obvious that something can't just come from nothing?  If we see a beautiful work of art we never say "Wow that is so amazing how that randomly happened!"

Well, I'm sure I've offended a few people with this...but that's another thing.. I don't understand why people are so worried about offending people all the time.  You'll never please everyone.  The only one I really want to please is the Lord Jesus!

Anything you don't understand?  Comment below!

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