Monday, January 4, 2016

Mottos, Mantras, and Resolutions

It's a brand New Year!  2016! A great time to start things off fresh!

It's hard for me to make a bunch of resolutions.  I'm so goal oriented that I feel like I either need to make actual goals I can reach or just not make any at all.

That's why this year,I'm thinking instead of making resolutions, I need to make a mantra..or a motto..or a saying.

For instance,   

Move more!

or how about  ...serve!

or Love others!

or Be Healthy!

or Keep Memorizing!

These are a little vague..but I feel like I can accomplish these things.

These can be my mantras and I can mediate on these throughout the year.

What's will your mantra be for 2016??

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