Ever been on a road trip across Kansas? It's about the boringest trip ever! You can see for literally miles and miles! The road is straight. There are no turns. You know when anything interesting is coming up because you can see it ahead for hours. You tend to nod off a lot because there's nothing to see! Just put the car on cruise and go.
Then there's other roads we travel on. Like in the mountains in Colorado. The road seems to wind and wind. It goes up and down, around and round. You have to continually look at the road because you are never quite sure what is up ahead. Or what will jump out in the road! The passengers seem to be hanging on for dear life with seat belts securely buckled.
Life can be like these roads at times. Sometimes we wake up every morning knowing exactly what's ahead of us. Year in and year out life stays pretty much the same. It's safe and secure. You can see any problems up ahead and have time to prepare for them.
Other times it feels like you never know what to expect! You look up and suddenly there's a huge curve in the road.
The last few years I've felt like we've been driving on the curvy, windy road. I've never really known what the Lord is planning for us up ahead. There have been many twists and turns. At times I've held on tight and pulled my seat belt tighter and closed my eyes and said "Oh, Lord! Really? do we have to go this way? Isn't there an easier road?" But He gently reminds me that He's the one driving. He knows the way and He will get me there safely.
If I quit looking at the hairpin curve. If I quit looking at the speedometer. But instead turn my head and look out the window, I will see the beauty of the mountainside! There is an incredible scene spread before me! There's incredible people and places to visit along the way!
Sure, I could be driving through Kansas and see nothing but cornfields...but it's not near as beautiful as the windy mountain path.
I just need to remind myself that at times.
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