Thursday, December 23, 2010

2010 is over already??!

Wow! It is true..the older you get the faster time speeds up. I don't know if it's a law of physics or not..but it sure seems to be true. Remember when you were a kid in school and time went sooooo slowwwww. Summer break was about to start and you sat in class looking at the clock..just waiting for summer to begin. Tick, tick, tick.. it. just. seemed. to. go. so. slow. But now that I'm older I feel like I just blink and time passes so quickly! How are my kids so big now? How am I almost 40?? How have Larry and I been married 21 years?? Timejustgoessofastnow.

Well.. the end of the year is a good time to review and reflect. Here's some highlights of our year:

  • Larry spent the first half of the year working in Pennsylvania. It was sad but we were thankful for the job!
  • Scott started Community College in January and took classes through the summer. He learned alot..mostly that he doesn't like college.
  • Renee quit her job at Sonic and started a new job at the mall. It's a much better atmosphere and she loves it!
  • Sam spent part of the summer up in Pennsylvania with Larry.
  • The whole family got to go on a Cruise to Mexico! Lots of fun!
  • Val continues to work at Arlington Resale! She loves it!
  • Renee turned 18!!
  • Scott went to Youth with a Mission classes for 5 months!
  • Sam lost his ipod and then worked and earned enough money to buy another one!
  • We had a deck built out in the backyard. It's so nice to sit out there now!
  • Renee & I took a short trip down to Surfside beach.
  • Val memorized Romans 12!
The Lord is good. His mercies are new every morning! Thankfully! I have seen many answered prayers this year. He continues to bless. If I keep my eyes on Him I can see more clearly. I don't know how people do life without the Lord! He is amazing!

I read the entire Bible through this year. It is always such a blessing. I want to again next year.
That's what life is all about!

I pray next year will be a blessing as we continue to make Him widely known!

Luke 2:17 "Now when they had seen Him, they made widely known the saying which was told them concerning this Child. "

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