My kids are so much fun now. They are almost all teens and I love it! When they were little they took so much of my energy--getting them dressed, feeding them, getting them down for naps...etc. Those days are gone. It's still hard though in some respects. Letting go of some of the control is a big one. Here's just a few ways that my kids are so much fun and a blessing to me nowadays:
- Playing Clue/Backgammon/Monopoply with me
- vacuuming my entire house
- taking me to Chick-Fil-A (and paying for it!)
- watching old movies with me
- making gingerbread men
- sitting out under the tree eating grapes on a warm day in December
- playing sock game at the park at 10:00 at night
- having a meaningful conversation
- reading Reader's Digest jokes and laughing about them
- making me laugh till my sides and cheeks hurt
- cleaning up my attic (and I didn't even ask!)
- listening to them play the trombone and guitar
- watching home makeover shows and getting inspired
- taking walks/riding bikes
- singing out loud and dancing around the house (ok..they did this when they were little too!)
- going to walmart..handing them my grocery list and coming back to a full cart of groceries
- hearing spongebob lines quoted for the umpteenth time
Just to name a few....So don't dread the teenage years! It just gets better and better. :)
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