We just got back from a quick trip to Amsterdam and it was fabulous!
We flew from Dallas to London and then onto Amsterdam. We landed in Amsterdam around 2 in the in afternoon. I had printed directions on how to get from the airport to the hotel. But somehow we got on the wrong train or something and ended up going the long way to the hotel. There's trains, buses, metros and trams and I only researched metros, because that's what I'm used to riding in Europe.
Anyway, we were both really tired and Larry had suggested we stash our luggage in a locker at the train station because we had tickets to see the Anne Frank museum at 5:30. These tickets I had to buy in advance because they sell out days in advance. I really wanted to get to the hotel and change clothes, brush my teeth and refresh so I insisted we get to the hotel first. Well, we ended up on the longest metro ride with about 17 stops! and our hotel was at the end! ugh... Well, we got there, freshened up and had a moment to collect ourselves. Then we got better directions to the Anne Frank house. A bus!
So off we went. We got there in time for our reservation. I showed them my printout. They said we only had bought one ticket. What!! I thought I bought two! Oh no!! Well, I kinda lost it from sheer exhaustion. But Larry was ok walking around and waiting for me to go.
It was so interesting to see the actual place that the Frank family and several others hid for almost 2 years. The actual place! (not allowed any pictures inside- so this is all I got)
The next day, we had reservations to see the Corrie Ten Boom house in Harlaam. It's about a 15 min train ride from Amsterdam. Trains are easy breezy there! Nice ride, beautiful countryside. Harlaam is a quaint little town.
The house where Corrie Ten Boom's family hid the Jews during WW2 was so interesting! We got to crawl inside the place where the hiding place was! We heard all the stories of their bravery. So interesting to see the perspective of this one from Anne Frank's house. Both were hiding places, one was a more permanent place, one transitionary. Corrie Ten Boom's house was bathed in prayer and scripture and Jesus. No mention of any of that at Anne Frank's house.
The next day, we hit the ground running in Amsterdam. We ate good food, took a canal cruise, enjoyed lots of coffee and tea. We went to the Dutch Resistance museum and learned how the Dutch resisted the Nazis. Some people resisted, some collaborated, some adapted. Really interesting interactive museum with lots of displays and things to read and listen to.
The last day, we made our way by train to the town of Zaanse Schans (every town had at least 2 A's and a couple of J's, K's or Z's). It was windy and rainy there but so cool to see the Windmills!
As we were walking down the street, we noticed a church just starting their service so we went in! It was such a unique experience! An older lady came over and translated for us. They were very welcoming! The service had no set "program". There were about 50 people and we all sat quietly. When someone wanted to sing a song, they announced the page number and everyone sang! No instruments or big production. When someone wanted to pray, we all stood and prayed. A Scripture come to someone's mind, they read it. Communion was passed around. We loved worshipping with other believers! As we left, the lady that translated for us says "Until we meet again!" Yes! We will see her again!
Loved our time there! Sad for vacations to end. Now to catch up on my sleep!! Ha!!