Friday, December 27, 2019

Looking back this past year

Well, 2019 is almost over.  I can't believe it's going to be 2020!  This past year has had it's good and bad, for sure.  Here's just a few of the happenings:

I lost my uncle and brother in law at the beginning of the year.

But on a happier note, we had 2 grandkids born this year!

We got to take a wonderful trip to Croatia and Slovenia!

I did an actual TRAPEZE swing!

I started doing trapeze yoga with my sister!

Larry and I celebrated 30 years of marital bliss! 

I finished my Invisalign!

We went to New Mexico to visit our son over Thanksgiving!

Lots of fun weekend trips to see our grandbabies, daughter and her family.

Celebrated 5 years at my job!

So many fun concerts, times with friends, games and good times!

Here's to new beginnings!  His Mercies are new every morning!  My word for this past year was relationships.  Although some became distant, others drew closer.

I don't have a word yet for this next year but I would like to continue to work on relationships, and keep my heart and mind serving the King of Kings.  

On to 2020!!

Monday, December 9, 2019

Are you having a holly jolly Christmas?

It's the most wonderful time of the year..right??  Well why is everyone in such a grumpy mood?  Especially parents to their kids?

We were out yesterday doing Christmas-y things.  Seeing the pretty trees and lights and enjoying the season.  I went into a restroom and a mom was yelling at her little girl, then I went out and a mom was yelling at her kids to "not smile that way in the picture".  Geez.

Momma, I know you are frustrated.  You feel like you have to do all the things for the holidays and make it "special" for everyone.  And you are at the end of your rope.  But please don't take it out on your kids.  They have feelings too.

What do you want them to remember at the holidays?  You getting all the things done but being a complete grumpy pants about it?

Enjoy the season!  So what if the cookies don't get made, or the gifts bought or wrapped.

Stop and sing a song, do the Charlie Brown dance, play a game.

Make some positive memories with your kids.

When you start to feel anxious or frustrated.  Stop, breathe, smile, pray.  Let it go.

Christmas will come and go and what will be left.  The paper will all get thrown away, the cookies all eaten. And what will be left?

The memories.

Make some good ones.  Treat others (your kids) the way you'd like to be treated.

Love them. Kids are people too.

After all it is the most wonderful time of the year.