Friday, September 27, 2019

Country songs and memories

We've been watching this amazing series on PBS about the history of Country Music.  I don't really listen to country music nowadays but I grew up on it.  I started watching it just because I love PBS and anything Ken Burns does is always good.  I love me a good documentary.  As I watched, the power of the music just hit me between the eyes.  All these songs, they were reminding me of my childhood.

My dad was a storyteller. And he loved music.  He loved all kinds but especially loved the kinds of music that told stories.  He knew all the words too.  He could sing every verse.

When we used to take long car rides, one of the things we would do is sing.  When we couldn't get anything on the radio, dad would start belting out an old folk song and we'd join in.  He'd sing it again and again until we had the words down.  This was one I remember singing.  And this silly one

Watching this documentary and learning about the history of country music, has really brought back just a flood of memories for me.  

I can just see my dad in his youth singing along to these songs.  He was really an old cowboy at heart.  

I'm so glad he taught me these songs.  I'm enjoying reminiscing.  And I'm missing you, dad. 

Friday, September 6, 2019

While you were on your phone

While you were on your phone

You missed a sunset.

a conversation,

a smile,

the beautiful scenery,

the people around you,

the people close to you,

While you were on your phone you missed real life.

You missed the kids,

your husband,

your friend sitting at the very table with you.

You missed working that puzzle,

the wind in your hair as you look out the window,

singing that song with someone special,

You missed feeling what it's like to be bored.

While you were on your phone

You missed an opportunity,

bonding time,

squeals of delight from the kids around you,

a "look what I can do!",

a game,

a hug,

a moment.