Definition---Surreal: Having the disorienting quality of a dream; unreal; fantastic

My youngest son turned 19 today. Nineteen!! My YOUNGEST! How this is possible I'll never know. Surreal is a great definition to describe it. In some ways it seems like just yesterday I was chasing them all around, picking up all their messes, changing endless amounts of diapers; but in other ways those days seem so long ago I can barely remember it!
Someone once described the baby stage as the "Longest days, and the shortest years".
That about covers it.
Larry and I are thoroughly enjoying our little empty nest. It's really quiet at times. But we are getting to know each other again. Learning to enjoy the quiet. The grand kids stage will be coming soon enough and I look forward to that.
While I may be further ahead on the parenting journey than some, and way behind of others, I would love to share my ups and downs with whomever would like to hear.
If you need encouragement for THOSE days, I can help. If you need a ear to hear and just let off steam, I can do that. If you need some advice for some problem that you are facing, I can do my best.
That's what we are supposed to do. Sharpen each other. Keep each other accountable. Spur each other on to love and good deeds.
I know I need it... ALOT.