We just visited my niece and her new hubby. They are newlyweds. They've only been married a few months. It's so cute to watch them. They are always hugging and kissing or holding hands. They get up and get each other a drink or something to eat. They always ask if it's ok they do this or that. It's so adorable! On the other hand..they have no idea what's ahead for them. They have no idea that hard times come, feelings get hurt, miscommunications happen. They have no idea that that "woozy woozy" feeling fades over time. They also have no idea that it's replaced with a love that goes deeper. Larry and I will be married 20 years this year. That's a long time. We are so past the newlywed stage. We still hold hands and cuddle. But it's so much deeper. We've been through the thin and now we're into the "thick"! (in more ways than one!) We have seen what it's like to love each other and be there for each other through sickness and health, rich or poor, for better and for worse. Some days there is more better and some days are more worse. But we have a bond that will last. Love is a lot like a garden. You have to weed it, water it, and plant new stuff in it. It's a process but with a little work the flowers of love will bloom year after year. I'm excited to see what the next 20 years hold!